I.m up for renewal on sprint and trying to decide between aneroid and iphone. Has anyone successfully used iphone with engine and bluetooth. Any suggestions.
I use an iphone 4s with my V three. I find that it works well. If you search this forum a bit you will find, if I'm not mistaken, that with an android phone you can connect to the internet related apps (Bing, weather, etc) in the car through BT, while with the iphone you need to connect via USB. With the iphone/bluetooth I can listen to music stored on my phone, get phone calls through the car, but I cannot use the internet apps without a usb connection. Not a big deal to me, but it might be for you. Hope this helps.
Btcompute has it right. I have a 4s and it works well other than using data (Internet) over Bluetooth. Some have a tethering plan and that is reported to work and some have jail broken their phone (hacked) and it works there too from what I've read. Otherwise it's USB. W