So my car computer project is rapidly approaching the installation of the actual computer into the car. Currently I have taps beneath the passenger seat for the navigation video and AVC-LAN connectors, so that's where I ultimately need the signals to end up. I'm stuck though on where I should mount the actual computer. I'm fairly sure there's not enough room in the front of the car for it + it's case, and I don't want to pull apart the dash since I'm fairly sure it would get too hot in there anyway when the car is off. What I'm after here is somewhere that is (a) big enough and ideally (B) already has holes for bolting the computer in firmly. I'm willing to drill holes, but only in parts of the car that are easily removable (carpet sections and such). Does anyone have any advice in this matter?
Oh cool, a Mini ITX in a Prius! Awesome idea! I would love to do that too. I don't have my Prius yet, so I can't talk about how to mount a computer securely, but what about the compartment in the back under the cargo cover? It would be hidden out of sight. You would need to consider ventilation though. It would be a great place as long as you could figure out the ventilation issue. Good luck with your mod, I can't wait to see the final results!
If you're willing to pull part or all of the dash [which isn't that hard but possibly wants to wait until warmer weather], there's actually a shitload of room under various parts of it, especially closer up near the firewall on the driver side. You can see up into that by grabbing a flashlight and using the brake pedal as a pillow. Pulling the large lower panel and/or the one where the power switch is mounted might reveal an appropriate nook to tuck it into. . _H*
If you mean laptop size computer (not printed circuit boards), Google "Car Laptop Mounting" for dozens of results. A sample result is attached.
I've been looking into this... I haven't done the measurements yet, but it looks like there is plenty of room to put an itx motherboard and necessary equipment directly in the arm-rest compartment. Now, you may not be able to get a case in there (I haven't looked into the cases much), but you could easily mount it directly into the side of the compartment. My concern is getting power, etc, to the equipment. I have a buddy who has come up with a similar solution with his escalade... even though it's a much bigger car, the arm-rest compartment is not that much bigger.\ I'll try to dig up some photos.
Found em... The Escallade arm-rest compartment is wider, but I see no reason why this stuff couldn't be mounted vertically instead of horisontally. C
So have you installed the nav/video? If so, what are you planning on using for the CarPC display? What about input? You might want to consider using the PC for Nav and Video and installing an indash touchscreen monitor. Even if you can get the MFD to display your CarPC output, it would be very low resolution and not give you USB touchscreen input.
The setup above was in an Escalade, which has no built in screen. He added his own screen mounted below the dash. As far as what I was going to do, I intentionally got the package without premium sound/video so I could use a small formfactor PC to get my GPS, audio, and video functionality. However, this is not my thread and I don't want to hijack it. I was just trying to point out that a small formfactor MB could fit in the arm-rest compartment.
All part of the plan. The nav connectors can be used with standard NTSC output, and I have circuit schematics to interface the parallel port or serial port to the AVC-LAN. However, since my car is suffering from an MFD problem right now (not caused by me), that side is on hold until it's fixed so there's actually an AVC-LAN to talk to in any sort of consistent way.
I put my mini-itx board under the driver's seat. If you don't have the nav or jbl package, you can put it under the passenger or driver's seat. I haven't built a case for mine yet as I haven't had enough time. The way I have mine setup is a touchscreen mounted in the map slot below the stereo with the motherboard under the driver's seat. From there, the cables from the board run to screen, and also along the side to the rear storage compartment where the crossover and amps are. I have the EPIA V10000 board, and I find the processing capabilities below what my previous carpc incarnation's 600mhz Celeron. The sound output voltage is also horrendously low. I like to avoid turning up the gains on the amps if possible. It also picks up background interference and with high gains, it becomes really noticeable. For the interim, I am using an external Sound Blaster USB, and it works quite well... no noise and higher output voltage. There are a lot of cables to run. I think it took about 30 hours to get everything in... screen, computer, cables, amps, speakers.
Well I've got the satnav package and JBL amp which is why I'm attempting this in the first place (easy access to the necessary inputs). I think I'm going to go with putting the computer under the carpet in the trunk near the main HV battery, since that gives me access to the 12V auxillary battery for power, and I should be able to find space in the conduits for video and sound cables to the MFD and amp. The only other option I'm presently considering for this would be removing the try in the center arm rest and sliding the whole case down inside there, but I don't have any info on how much space is actually there, does anybody know?
Well.... it is not finish yet <_< ( waiting to have my MFD replaced for 3rd time and no to answer dealer for the improvements/modifications made to the vehicle ) but my tiny ITX with a compact metal case and an special Power supply is under de driver's seat and a 8" touchscreen installed under the map compartment. The carputer is fitted with a DVD/CD-ROM drive, it plays my cheapo GPS system, videos if requested and cd's. Soon to install a WiFi on it , I like to have my OS up to date and have access to our Co wireless Lan for business or at home in the driveway. I took a 12V (40A fused) leg from the Aux battery that makes happy my external pwr. amplifier ( under the driver's seat ), the PC and Remote Start system. My brand new CANVIEW-2 rest in top of the ITX case for now waiting for the :angry: "MF #**@**" :angry: MFD replaced again so I can have a better understanding of the car operation and utilities. Remenber, like any other piece of electronic equipment, these kind requires maintenace, so don't burried it, keep it handy, I know by sad Experience!!!.