OK, the pure commercial part of me wants to know? My wife gave me a Panasonic FZ5 digital camera w/ 256 Mb storage My youngest gave me one of those wall hanging, soothing sound emitting, pictures of moving water and palm trees....which I dropped and broke into a million pieces 10 minutes after opening.......will have to go buy a replacement because I really liked it. I received some clothing I can use....some other stuff. Did I mention my new digital camera??????? I don't need a lot of "stuff". The best gift...my wife had to work and my kids came to visit and keep me from feeling lonely and grumpy. Oh, my Prius got to haul my wife back and forth to work and attain 47 mpg in 37 degree weather. Thanks SULEE!
Nothing big... we spend most of our Christmas loot on the kiddies. But since you asked, I got a dangling watch for the golf bag, a gift cert to Dick's, and some detailing brushes for the Prius.
I got a Burke Viper Low D Whistle, a 20-button anglo concertina, the movie "Serenity", a Garmin eTrex Legend handheld GPS (for Geocaching) and a few other miscellaneous items. Obviously, I'm very much into traditional Irish music, so the instruments were really on my 'wanted' list.
I insisted no one get me anything. In turn, I bought everyone else gifts. :lol: Although my mom couldn't resist, and got me a gift certificate to my favorite everyday restaurant, Carrabbas.
I don't do Christmas, so I got nothing. I did participate in the church gift project, though. Gave a donation so some poor kid would get something, and helped out with the sorting of the mountain of donated gifts. And I sent checks to a couple of poor friends, and a couple of organizations I support, careful to specify that these were NOT Christmas gifts.
I got the Coastal Tech EV switch, which I just installed. Thanks to Daniel et al. for the tips and advice. Very nice mod. Next stop.... the auto lock mod.
I received the EV button from my wife- not Costal Tech, the one that goes into the dash. My father-in-law gave me a bottle of Tyrconnell Irish single malt whiskey. Mother-in-law gave a heated bird bath - as much for me as for Nina, our cat, since we both like to watch birds. My mother gave me a fountain pen that used to belong to her mother. I gave my wife a fountain pen (not a regift!) and a book on Human anatomy My wife and I each sponsored a cat for her mother: http://www.bestfriends.com/ For my mother, we bought a goat: http://www.heiferfoundation.org For my father, I got an Oregon Scientific weather station. We all got to spend time together and travel safely.
Squid - you strike me as a really good guy! But on to the topic - My 21 year old daughter got me "Doyle Brunson's Super System" which is the bible for poker players. Hopefully it will be the gift that keeps on giving!
I got new floormats and blind-spot mirrors for the Prius, as well as an iPod adapter (Kensington FM transmitter... I know that a hard-wired solution would be better but there were lots of reasons for going with the transmitter) as well as a really nice analog tire pressure gauge. Oh, and also some RainX, Invisible Glass, and a couple of microfiber cloths. I think the Prius had christmas, actually
I got some pretty nice stuff, and totally unexpected, most of it. I had a lot of fun picking out and purchasing gifts for others, which made me very happy...receiving was just the extra-special icing on the cake. *Black Ipod w/video (hubby downloaded Season 1 and what's aired so far of Season 2 of Lost and my 10 favorite cd's); let me just say that I am very electronics-illiterate: it will take me WEEKS, maybe even MONTHS to figure this thing out! *a speaker set/stand for the Ipod *a Sling Media hardware thingamajig (you hook it up to the tv/Tivo and can watch your shows/movies from a computer anywhere-perfect for boring days @ work when PC is not very active) *a Sex and the City ultimate dvd set (has all seasons on it) *Beavis & Butthead dvd set (Mike Judge collection) *book The Historian *dvd Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House *dvd set The Harold Lloyd Collection *a ton of gift cards and movie theatre gift certificates that will be put to good use *a specially made album from my brother in law and his girlfriend with pictures they took at our wedding 2 years ago *some tins of Godiva hot cocoa *2006 calendars *vanilla scented candles
Last year I got my son a radio controlled (RC) truck. He and I spend some time playing with Truckee. I decided to get myself a grown-up RC toy. I put this radio controlled helicopter on my wish list. When my wife did not have time to order it, I did it myself. Of course, I don't even have it built but, I've upgraded the radio system. I fretted over a name for a while and have settled on one. For some reason our family names machines with names ending in ee. Truckee, Presee, Lexee, Pumpee, etc. I wanted to stay with the ee theme but with a twist. I decided on EEgor; Since Igor Sikorsky is generally credited with building the first practical helicopter. Oh, and I got some other stuff to. jrohland
Chicks always get tons of stuff!! I wanted to mention, I bought that Beavis and Butthead boxed set, it's merely OK, however, I happened to attend a comic convention over Thanksgiving, and found a bootleg-type DVD for which someone recorded like 4 HOURS of BB WITH videos directly from the time they were on the air, funny as hell, and faaaaar better than the mere 11 videos... When I get back from vacation, I'm going to see if I can upload it to my site and post the link for all us fans!
Any old Beavis & Butthead cartoons have the ability to keep me occupied for hours on end...I'm easily entertained, what can I say? I used to record them off MTV2, but kept getting so many duplicates that I stopped. But this dvd was definitely on my wish list.
Hubby gave me an umbrella, a replacement for one I lost months ago. It had starring cats all over it. He remembered and found the duplicate! Big points. Also a gift card to the local bookstore. Got him a black leather bi-fold wallet; he hates the tri-fold he was using because it's too thick. And we treated ourselves to three oils at a gallery in town. Dan's had his eye on the Jorge Gonzalez butterfly for months so he's jazzed. We're picking it up on Saturday. His parents got sweaters and, since they like to travel, airline gift cards. Molly, Dan's sister's dog, got chew toys and a couple tennis balls. She knew we had a gift for her and wouldn't leave the paperbag alone.
For years I was the "don't get me anything" dad as my 3 kids grew up and we piled it on. (I always "surprised" my wife, too, of course.) This year one older daughter shocked heck out of me. She gave me the entire New Yorker -on-DVD set---every page since 1925---my favorite magazine. Then topped it with a coffee-table-size book of most of Salvador Dali's paintings (favorite artist). Wow.
If you also like B&B, I think you might get a kick out of this for Playstation 2... http://www.redoctane.com/guitarhero-bundle.html I saw a demo at a local Best Buy, and just HAD to have it... I've actually been rocking out in the living room BLASTING the music, it really does make you feel like you're a rockstar... You basically play the guitar riffs/solo's to some awesome songs (oddly, they even have Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction). I really think this is the most fun and interactive video game EVER!
I got a certificate for a 2 year subscription to XM Radio. I am working on getting one installed REAL soon new. I will probably be going to Factory Interactive in N. Jersey for an integrated unit.. Also got a dashboard California duster for Lil Blu. My sis brought me a basket of goodies from Canada, and I got some aniti-virus programs for my computer (the others had expired!). Also got a few bottles of wine!! Hubby got an iPod and meat slicer so that we can make lunch meat out of left-overs. Mom got us a new dryer as ours was losing it heat and taking forever to dry a load of clothes.. I got her back by getting her a combo DVD/ VHS unit - now I have to get it installed and all the connections working!!
LOL, I'm so not into video games...the last game/box thing I owned was in the mid-90's, it was Sega and the only game I had was Sonic the Hedgehog, which I loved. That guitar thing looks pretty cool, and I must say that Symphony of Destruction has one of THE most awesome sounding guitar beats...just like the pied piper led rats thru the streets they danced like marionettes swaying to the symphony...