I picked up my Absolutely Red Prius C4 yesterday. It is going to be fun to learn how to use all the features it has. Sure is different from my Gen II.
Congrats on your new C. Very nice. If you don't mind - why did you get the C? Is it to replace or in addition to your Gen II?
It will be in addition to my Gen II. I sold my Mercedes 300D and am now selling my Ford Explorer. So, in the end we will have two Prii.
I like the red and your alloy wheels look great! fyi, it may be the angle the pic was taken, or how your c is sitting, but check the air pressure in the front right tire. Ours were actually a little low when we took possession from the dealer. Again, congrats! Deb
Thanks. They do look low in the picture. But the pressure from the dealer for F/R was 32/32. I went ahead and raised them to 42/40 and reset the Air Pressure Monitor per the manual. How do you display the air pressures on the monitor anyway? The Display Audio System does not match my system exactly so the part about air pressure displaying does not correlate 100%.
I hope there's room for another. I'll be moving to the Raleigh area of North Carolina from Kansas later this summer. I'll be bringing an Absolutely Red C2 with me. I'll need advice on the best place to go for dealer servicing. Tom
I'm 140+ miles into my first tank...60.2 mpg tank average at this point. The fuel level has dropped 2 bars now. My commute to work is 27 miles and this morning my trip summary indicated 64.4 mpg. Looking pretty good so far.
Nice color choice!! My wife is loving her new ride.. :cheer2: Now you've got me thinking of trading in my old 2009 Escape, again..