Every now and then I will hear a sound like a phone ring tone about 10-15 notes that lasted about 2-3 second! It comes on once or twice a day at no particular time and only one same ring tone then stops. I checked my phone and it has no incoming calls or missing calls. Even while my wife was playing the DVD movies, it'd come on almost every day at least once a day. There was no other warning light blinking on the LCD screen or the instrument panel. Any idea folks? Thanks,
I haven't noticed anything like this. I'd be inclined to drive with my phone powered completely off to see if it happens then. That will help narrow down the source. W
Check what?? I only have 1 cell phone and no other devices. Still haven't got a chance trying to turn off the phone for hours. Thanks,
Seatbelt warning alarm? Do you have heavy bags on the passenger seats? A shot in the dark but you never know.
Check under the seats for the other devices that you are unaware of, where they like to hide. I put a electronic noise maker under my friends seat. When he finally found it he was ready to call the FBI to report somebody was tracking him. My experiment to see how long it would take to drive him mad almost ran to completion. Sounds like your experiment is well under way. Did you read about mystery break thump that was solved by looking under the seat here; http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-technical-discussion/109145-brake-thump-noise.html Good luck solving your mystery.
Today it came on again but around the same area where I drive by everyday! Tomorrow 2 tests: voice activate tape recorder; turn off my phone and just drive by the same location. I almost forget, only after 1pm because it never happened before that. Chass8, I will check under my just over a month old V's seats and report back.
This is what happened today. While the mystery sound came on about half way, the phone call came in so I heard BOTH of them together! Next, I set the tape recorder and got the sound at around 4 blocks from my house almost exactly at the same location. So I thought if this could relate to the GPS navigation when I am closing in to my house? click on the title bar below: [ame="http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y271/tanasit/Car/?action=view¤t=MysterySound.mp4"]Car :: MysterySound.mp4 video by tanasit - Photobucket[/ame]
The GPS is possible, but only if you set it to chime at a certain location. That is one of the features. Tom
Yep. Favorite/memory destinations in the GPS unit of my 2nd gen can be set to emit a sound when you get near them. The sound in your earlier post sounds very much like one of the location triggered sounds available in my car.
Your instincts are better than my guess (look under the seat). I was able to reproduce the sound you posted by pressing the destination button, address book, options (top of screen), edit, any entry, icon edit, with sound (tab after page 1 & page 2), music box speaker icon. If you just touch "music box" then that is added to your icon. From page 102 of the Nav System Owner's Manual "A sound for some address book entries can be set. when the vehicle approaches the location of the address book entry, the selected sound will be heard." Now you can end your fun experiment. I'm going to be starting this experiment on unsuspecting Prius owners as I see fit, now that I know the trick.
I was going to say it was really a Japanese Curse... The movie 'One Missed Call' is based from a Japanese Horror movie which was pretty creepy like that and maybe it is one of those things.
Thanks to you Chazz8 so now I remember the sound icon that I pressed but heard nothing! In fact, I inadvertently set it to chime as you kindly explained in details. At first I thought it was the timer set from the phone! Oh, have fun with your next victim(s)...
I deleted the destinations which I thought caused this problem but the mystery sound is still there??? It happened exactly the same location on the street a few blocks from my house. If I were to come from other streets, this doesn't happen!
It's that "One missed call", man... Some ethereal force is planning on making you go either mad or dead.
Like I said earlier, it has nothing to do with the phone system. Not only I checked the phone record but also at one time the chime came on and the phone rang almost simultaneously! Today, I looked at the map and I saw the green musical note icon around my home address which I already deleted, so I still don't understand why the sound was not removed too.