hi everyone, Im looking at upgrading my from my 2000 model and just want a bit of advise on a few questions i have. 1. The Prius C's advertising has a young couple in it (atleast here is australia), but ive been told its an old persons car for people like my parents. Im 35 with a son in year 6, so i dont want him to be made fun of at school for the car we drive, as that usually happens.. What do you think the acceptable age for someone to have the C class is? 20's, 30's, 40's etc?? 2. Im cautions of my my kid calling me a tree-loving hippy for another 12 years based on my car. Can anyone suggest what i can say to him to make him understand its better for the environment? Benefits? Lifestyle? Values? etc??? 3. Im sticking with the prius range because i love driving them and theyre good for the environment. How many of you upgrade from one prius to another? Am i the only one?? my partner has a Hyundi i30 hybrid but i refuse to drive it. Does anyone else drive another car? Why? 4. Why did you buy your Prius in the beginning? These seem like pretty odd questions, but when i bought this one i coped a battering from all angles and want to be fully prepared this time!
1. Car makers never have a clue what age group will like their car. I would be more worried how much back seat room a growing boy may need when this Prius lasts 12 years like the last one. 2. Swear up and down you are buying it to save gas money. It works in America. 3. My wife' work provides her with a Nissan Xterra, pretty much the anti-Prius. Thankfully, they \pay all expenses, or 18 MPG would kill us. 4. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...502-2010-prius-school-project.html#post979468 Tells my tale
Wow, you drive a first gen Prius and you're worried about what others may think? There isn't any reason 30 year olds and octogenarians can't enjoy the C and all the advancements the Prius has made over the last 12 years! If YOU like the C and it suits you and your families needs, that's all that should matter!
I'm 32 years old, my wife, 30, two kids (5 yo, 3 yo), I was raised with my two brother in a Mercury Lynx, Renaud alliance and Hyundai pony. Prius C is much roomier than any of these cars.e best The MPG is really great, and the ride react like any other cars. And it promise the best reliability over the market. Then, it's the best choice for me.
I am 37 years old with an eight year old. She is excited about the C because it is a cool color ( because lets be honest that is what 8 year olds care about) and also because I tell her with all the money I am saving on gas, we can do more fun things!
By that logic, you need to buy a GT-R, so that your kid can be cool at school. If you put too much stock into the impact on your children of your decisions, then pretty soon, your children will be running your household. They will never leave home, never get a job, steal all your money, smoke dope, and have like-minded partners move in to your house. Then they will procreate, and your grandchildren will repeat the process. Buy a C, it is a great little car, the best bang for the buck in a hybrid.
A while back there was a post with the question about our ages. They seemed to run the gamut, but I can't find it to offer a link for you... btw, my DH and I must be "old people" since we're probably your parents age. Until he starts paying for your fuel, tell him to mind his manners, sit in the back and don't worry about it. You don't need your child's permission to purchase a vehicle or save the planet. Air quality and environment should be an issue for him, you're trying to be one of the good guys. He should be concerned about what damage is being left for his children and grandchildren to deal with. This is our first hybrid. We keep our vehicles for many years and will more than likely get another hybrid when it's time to trade. I hope that, by then, we can buy a domestic with as much confidence as we have in this car. Sadly, I'm not holding out much hope for that. Our other vehicle is a full size cargo van that we have for work and towing our camper. Our Prius c is for grocery gettin' and fuel economy. I have wanted to break into the hybrid market for some time, but the price of the vehicles were prohibiting. Good grief! Until who ever giving you "a battering" is paying for it, what you drive is no one's business but yours. I'd tell them to simply stick it in their ear if they don't like it. The Prius c is an affordable little car, fun to drive and should last a good long time. Deb
Found the post, here's a link to it: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-c-main-forum/105004-average-age-prius-c-owners.html
That's right.. I had forgotten about that thread.. and RJ even broke down all the answers to averages and oldest, youngest, etc...
They're targeting a group that's generally not very interested in cars and is financially restricted so (at least in the USA) they're telling them that it's reliable, efficient and cheap to run so will help them do what they want to do. They want older, more affluent buyers to pay more and buy the liftback, v and Camry Hybrid. Ignore the advertising and just ask yourself whether this 50mpgUS hybrid subcompact, with a price premium best meets what you want from a car. I don't understand why you need to ask after owning a Prius for so long. Just be honest and tell him your reasons. He may disagree but that's OK. The only thing you need him to know are the facts and he can have his opinion. First hybrid. I like driving it too. My wife doesn't. We have a Civic as well. The Civic means less footwork (I use Eco mode) so it's easy to drive but it has gear changes and the engine always runs. Not odd. You're obviously self-conscious. I know why I bought my car and I feel justified in my purchase. That's all that matters.
I don't mean any offense, OP, but show some backbone. Respect is taken, not given freely. Learn how to make a decision and have the confidence to defend it.