Came out of PetCo this afternoon to find this in my Rosie's beautiful Sea Glass Pearl finish. The odd, but good, thing is there's no dent. Whatever did this just peeled the paint. If it was a scratch, I'd curse and sigh and that would be it. But this looks like it's right down to the bare metal. The main portion is about the size of a pencil eraser. What's the best way to deal with this? Should I get some touch-up paint and try that? Or ???
Where is it located? For example, if it's on the bumper, it's not metal. Looks like Sea Glass uses tan primer. Never seen that. I've only seen white or black primer.
When I look at your photo I see fingers on the upper and lower part of the object with the mark on it. I can't for the life of me imagine what part you appear to be holding.
It's located on the rear passenger-side door. It's about level with the door handle, and slightly to the right of center as you face the door. I believe you are seeing the reflection in the paint of me holding my iPhone, which I used to take this picture. My phone has a green case on it. Sorry I was not more specific about location.
Dr Colorchip might help, seems to have some good comments in the forum. If you decide to try it an after picture would be nice. Good luck, we love our SGP. iPad 3 ? HD
Fill it with touch up paint. Take a long, long time. Fill in with barely any paint and let it dry at least 30 mins before the next coat. You should apply so little that there's no chance of paint drip. You can do it over a period of days if you want. Be patient.
I left my Prius at the airport long-term parking over the weekend last month. Someone had folded in the passenger side mirror. Prius rage? I can't imagine why else someone would do that. Otherwise didn't notice any damage.
That truly bites! You can try touch up paint or the Dr. Colorchip product, but the repair would still be noticeable on such an exposed area.
Folded in as in you just had to fold it back out? Could it be as it folded in as someone squeezed lbetween you Prius and next car?
Hi and no worries! I'd be upset too if I found a mark like that or any mark on my car. I think is might be too deep for Dr. Colorchip to be of use I have only seen videos of it being used on small road rash marks on the paint. If you really want a first rate job I'd be off to a body shop and let them look at it. Shouldn't cost anything for an estimate. Hope you get it fixed to your satisfaction
It's caused by morons. They're everywhere. The folded mirror is also caused by morons squeezing between your car and the next one. Many of those ones are overweight. No damage from folding the mirror though. Your options are: 1. Ignore it. The body is plated in zinc and doesn't seem to rust when the paint is chipped off. 2. Get a tube of "touchup" paint from the dealer. It's a two part paint, colour and clearcoat, in the same tube, usually. One end has the colour and the other the clearcoat. Apply as directed above in the excellent post, slowly and in many layers. Use masking tape to help control where you put the paint. Once you are satisfied with the thickness, put the clearcoat on top. Be aware, this paint is water based, so while painting keep it dry. You will never completely hide the mark using this method, unfortunately. 3. Have a body shop fix it. They will sand down around it and "blend" the repair paint into the rest. If they're good you won't be able to see it. It will however cost over $200. Just be happy you didn't see the moron do it. Murder is considered a serious offense.
There are times, however, that it's justified! Thanks to everyone who responded for your suggestions and commiseration. I'm going to get a quote from a body shop and see what they say. If it seems way high, I might try some of the DIY suggestions. But I am leaning towards a professional fix. I only have 1000 miles on the car! If it were older, I might feel differently.
If you are not too anal, you could use touch up paint and it probably will come out ok. You will probably be the only one who will know it is there. If you are anal, and being the only one who see's the imperfection will drive you mad, then the best route will be to have the door refinished. Since it is a brand new car, and the paint hasn't had time to fade, it will look good as new when its done. I had this happen to my car 2 weeks after driving it off the lot. Took it to the Toyota body shop and you can't even tell anything happened.