norman, Did you order your mudflaps "online"? If so, what shipment method did you specify? They seem to have a choice of urgent or Canadian Post. kenmac
Kenmac, the site is very new and they are still finding their feet re shipping options and costs. They have now added a flat $30 shipping fee for Australia. A bit dearer than what I paid for mine (which was a bit of trial and error). So it looks like the mudflaps would be $75cn delivered. You might also consider the side visors and bundle them in to reduce the average shipping cost. The guards are very simple pieces of formed plastic, but they are molded to fit and are "Genuine".
Hey kenmac, I wonder if you can do me a favour. I contacted altrex regarding headlamp protection and they said to provide them with the measurements of the headlamp. I suspect they'll just provide a sheet of the material and I will need to cutout a piece to fit. Looking at the enclosed image, and assuming that the red dotted lines represent a sheet of protection film, what would be the width and height of a sheet of film that I would need in order to make an applique which fully covers a headlamp? Of course, I would then multiply by two to have enough material for both lamps. Remember to cater for the curvature. Thanks in advance.
Hi norman, The headlights are a complex shape with three planes -top, front, side - so it is difficult to specify dimensions accurately. I would think that Altrex need to shape the item to suit - that's what they do - surely they wouldn't expect you to do that work? Can't they can access a demo/test car near their location? (Sydney?) Are you sure that you need these protectors - the lights are set at a low angle, as for most of the latest cars and I would think that any projectiles would tend to deflect rather than create damage ?? It would be interesting to query the AA or RAC re the incidence of this type of damage with modern vehicles. Another thought - how much will these panels affect the airflow? - they would be at a critical location in regard to airflow development. Similarly the window shields could create more of a drag effect, decreasing mpg. I suppose you can try them on and off and see how much actual difference they make (mpg). Personally, I am tending to go with the car as designed, except for the mudflaps, which Toyota fit to Canadian Prius's anyway. My last 340kms = 4.6L/100km displayed average. Regards, kenmac
Kenmac, the altrex protector is a thin film which is applied directly to the glass. I wouldn't expect it to have an impact on aerodynamics. I am not sure, but I think they produce many pre-cut sheets for the standard vehicles, and provide "cut it yourself" sheets for the less common cars. Your point about what the risk of damage is, is an interesting one. I agree with the point about it being a very low angle and less likely to sustain damage, but if it does, it is sure to be an expensive replacement as the glass makes up quite a large junk of the front of the car. It's interesting to read the discussions about mudflaps and their effect on MPG. I guess you'll be in a position to know before me. I'll hold off on the side visors, I tend to drive with the windows up to minimise road noise in anycase. Looks like the actual vs "claimed" mileage figures aren't too far appart. 4.6L/100 is excellent by any measure (I do not know, 62 mpg still makes more impression on me than km per 100ltr)
Hi norman, OK, I was assuming it was one of those plastic sheet types (perspex). I will attempt to measure a headlight with my trusty tape and get back to you. How flexible is that material - would you just cover the front and top and forget anbout the small side bit? Regards, kenmac
Fopr neatness, I would want to cover it all. I would need a rectangle large enough to allow for the curvature as well. BTW, check your Private Message area.
Right, though not technically an Aussie, will let this slide under the guise of catching up with Prius owners in the same hemisphere! Just ordered a new Prius two weeks ago, with delivery in August to Wellington. Decided to do a special order in for black (as it's not available on the NZ market) from the dealer, who was more than happy to help out! So!, any takers from this far south? Toyota NZ are keeping rather quiet about the Prius, which is unusual seeing that some local papers have been looking closely at the Honda competition. Just keen to find any other NZ owners or soon-to-be's like myself, or whether it's just all Aussie punks -d
Hella Aussies- To those of you who own the new (2004) Prius, does the driver's seat have height adjustment? I've seen this feature listed on the Toyota Australia site but am not able to verify as I'm in the US. If you do have this adjustement, can you post pictures? Thanks
Hi vandalay, Yes, Oz version has height adjust for drivers seat. There are two levers - one is for seat back angle and the other is for height. No picture at moment but maybe later. kenmac
Hey Diz, welcome to the realm of the "enlightened". I have a Merlot on order. Should arrive in June (I hope). I'm wrapped that we can chat across the tasman, or as far as the Netherlands and Canada and all be sharing the same thrills and enthusiasm for this car. If you've just ordered, and your being quoted an August delivery, it aligns with my situation (March order, June delivery). I have to feel for some of our Northern Hemisphere friends, some of whom have been quoted 12 months for delivery. At least they'll get the '05 model. You might just scrape it in as well.
Indeed! My partner's mother has been looking at a Prius in the US, but with a such a shortage over there (thank's to rave reviews) its quite difficult. She is going to hang out for the 2005 Highlander Hybrid, which will be quite an interesting sight! Out of curiosity, do you guys (Australians) have access to the Prius tracker? Does it give you anything useful? The only complaint I have about the Prius in NZ (and a minor one at that) is the inability to get any trim other than the standard (non I-Tech model). But hey, no Bluetooth in my phone, and who needs satellite to navigate NZ? Oh, a question for anyone... would Euro plates fit to the AU/NZ Prius? (520mmx112mm) -d
Hi Kenmac- Thanks for the seat height adjustment photo. I wish they would have this option in US. Perhaps the next time you are at the Toyota dealer, you could ask for the part number of the entire seat? Can you get the height adjustment for the left seat as well? I'd like to post your photo under the "appearance modifications" forum so people could seat a height adjustable seat really exists.
Vandalay, good question about the left seat. Only the Right Hand side seat has the adjust. (So in your case, your passenger will be happy ;-) Diz, Re: site. I have spoken directly with customer support about this site. Initially it used to show cars that were on order, but gave the impression that you could "choose" the one you wanted (they were in fact already sold). They since changed the site, but while there, they explained that the tracker site does little more than indicate 3 status's. "Factory Order", In Transit, Available for pickup (or words to that effect). A friend bought a Mazda MX5 many years ago and he could track it right through the entire build process. Not so for Toyota so I'm told. That reminds me, I must ring them again. The password they gave me for the site doesn't work.
Hi Norman and Kenmac- Thanks for the additional seat height info. One more question: Can you measure the height of the seat at the lowest and highest settings, perhaps measured from the front top edge of the seat cushion? I ask this so I could compare the height of the US version. I am curious about the seat height issue from the shorter-person viewpoint, that is, if the height of your seat at its highest setting is the same distance as our non-adjustable seat, then there would be no reason to get a height adjustable seat. Perhaps the height adjustement option is for tall people to enable them to lower the seat more than standard. Your measurements will answer the question. Thanks
Hi vandalay, In answer to your request:- Top/Front of seat cushion height is 300mm from floor. Top/Rear of seat cushion relative to front edge height is 40mm minimum to 80mm maximum, in 20 incremental adjustments. Lifting the lever up moves the seat up one increment and pushing down is reverse (down). The front edge remains constant relative to floor - i.e. the cushion pivots around the front edge, only the rear is raised/lowered. Hope that helps. Regards, kenmac
Hi guys! I also ordered a prius in Mid April. They say I'll probably get in August because it will be in the JUNE production in Japan, so basically it's still metal sheets at the moment. :roll: I ordered a silver prius with i-tech package. I'm currently in Broken Hill , NSW. I ordered mine from Adelaide about 540km away (unfortunately there's where it will be serviced too). they don't have a prius tech up here.