Just wanted to know if led turn signal bulbs are compatible in the c without adding resistors to stop hyper flashing? Anybody?
I am in the process of adding LEDs to my prius. The kit I got came with resistors... but I don't want to wire those in. I have a no-load flasher relay on the way. That type of relay should not require the resistors. Now, what kind of relay does the c have. I would say the probability it is the same as the other prius is high. Perhaps you might want to check under the dash as see what you have? Relay
The relay that ijdmtoy sells says it needs to be installed in the fuse box. Is this the updated version compared to the relay install under the dash??
I have that relay...any Clue where in the fuse box it is supposed to go? Or which relay to replace with the new LED one? -M
I have no clue either. I just PM spiderman to see which relay ijdmtoys sent him. The link that he provides is to the led relay that's supposed to go in the fuse box, I think.
No, not the fuse box... though the relay was enclosed is a white plastic frame under the dash above the steering wheel column. Very much a pain to get at. As far as I know, nobody has claimed to seen the flasher relay for the c...
As far as I know there is no turn signal relay in C... You will have to wire in the resistors to get rid of the hyperflashing... But that defeat the purpose of power saving and the resistors will get hot... Another way is to get a PIAA H-540 LED regulator... Please google for it... This is the way I did mine and have been living with it for a few weeks.. So far so good... The instruction is in Japanese and I have to get a friend to translate for me... Without knowing the details you could struggle for hours... If anyone need help please let me know...
I am planning on wiring around (16) 3mm red led lights up to my xbox using the xbox's 12v source. How many LEDs can I use if they are 3.5v per LED? Can I string them all on one strand with a source of 12v or do I have to have multiple 12v sources? Please explain how I would wire them up. --------------------- flexible led strip high density led strip 12v led light bars