My wife dinged front right wheel on curb. Anyone know where I can get one to replace it? It is the 10 spoke alloy wheel for the Prius v 5 atp Thanks so much
It would probably be much more cost effective to have it repaired. They usually do very good work. I think it is about $200.
Compare $$ for a new one (dealer) witha repair/refurbished one...ask local used car dealers where they send their wheels for refurbish shops in your area....hard to decern from new..!!!
one just sold on eBay for $26.00 I lost by $1.00. I was trying to preepare for the same thing that happened to the OP. Andy
Agreed, eBay is the place to go. Happened on my 07 Accord about 6 months after I got it. Complete curb grind . Couldn't stand looking at it so I bought a new (to me) rim from eBay. Just make sure you pick a reputable seller.