My wife drives a BMW Z4, and it is very close to the ground. She needs to be extremely careful going over speed bumps or in/out of driveways. /Jim
When I am coming out of a garage witch is below streetlevel and it is very steep I have a simple solution. I send my wife to the outside blocking the traffic. I put the pedal to the metal and I just fly out of the garage. Without scraping! :lol:
I bottomed out while pulling out of the dealership. I traded in a sequia. I think I will have to get out of the car and lift it over the speed bumps that I will eventually need to cross.
I had a Z3 and never had any problems with speed bumps, only with the size of the trunk. Then again, I never tempted fate and drove very slowly over them.
The belly scrapes are minimal when I've attacked speed bumps at slight angles, just the front airdam seems to be a problem. It seems to scrape even in and out of normal driveways so I've started going out at odd angles, which seems to have solved the problem.