I just filled out an on-line survey that was mostly on Entune. The survey listed possible features for Entune along with a price. Wow were some of the prices outrageous! Most of the packages had apps that are free on my 'Driod. So far my experience with Entune consists of a Bing search (can't find EV Charging Stations), Gas Prices, Weather, Pandora, Traffic I can get on my smart phone for nothing. Why would I pay for a duplicate on Entune? What I would pay for is an app. that would make my Prius display a display for my smart phone.
I took the same survey and came away with the same feeling. Some of the prices they had listed just made me laugh. Some of the functionality might be nice to have but not at the prices that were suggested.
Probably the only way I would pay for the Entune "service" is if the Internet connectivity were built into the headunit so it always worked and I wouldn't have to have it hanging off of my smart phone. Heck, I might even consider paying a "little" for the service (maybe $5 a month) if it worked PERFECTLY every time, but it doesn't. I'm sure that everyone has had the Entune service crap out at some point stating that it couldn't connect or similar.... -Sam
One of these days, services like Entune will be so expensive that they will give the car away for free and just bill a monthly Entune service charge - just like they do with cell phones. Keith
I took that survey, too. I can't imagine buying some of those packages at those prices. But I dutifully picked one out, and then said I wouldn't buy it. The one thing I did like about the survey was that there was room for comments at the end, so I got to tell them how much I loath the "premium" nav, and what a step backwards from my 2005 it is.
The apps are 'free' on your Droid but only work if you pay $70 per month or more for service. But since you do pay for monthly service already for you phone, I see why you would't want to pay again to get those same apps in your car. But I just have a pause when someone claims a service on the phone is 'free'
When the price of monthly services like Entune extras and SiriusXM approach or exceed the cost of fuel, maybe it is time to examine your values. Keith P.S. I'm curious, how many of you Prius drivers pay more monthly for your cell phone service than gasoline???
If the survey has the prices in a nice table or two, it'd be interesting to see some screenshots to see what all the uproar is all about.
Toyota really has their head up their tail when it comes to software: They charge you vastly more for the hardware than a third party, they deliver vastly inferior software, and they expect you to pay vast sums to use or upgrade what comes for free on less expensive, better -performing platforms. It's a big disappointment to me. Toyota delivers exceptional quality and value, but they're really in a mess when it comes to software. What they need is an open platform that they certify for safety, and they can charge the software guys for the honor of being certified. But, honestly, charging me money to use Microsoft Bing? Are they serious?