My new 2012 Prius III was braking with the normal Prius noises until yesterday. It as 1,000 miles on it and while my wife was driving it on the highway a person cut in front of her so she had to brake hard to avoid them. Ever since then when I press on then brake normally I hear a thump noise and feel a vibration under my right foot (just to the left of the brake and on the floor). It comes when I brake at speeds greater than about 12 mph. Any idea what it is and why it started? I'm planning on taking it in to the dealer to get it checked out, but has anyone else had this experience?
The only thing I can think of is a warped rotor or possibly a damaged pad. Look forward to hearing what the shop finds...
Possible, but the noise is not coming from the wheel. it comes from under the floorboard, just to the left of the brake pedal. Will post what the dealer says. thanks
OK, this is embarrassing! I found out what the noise was. My wife left a metal water bottle under the drivers seat filled with water, so every time I hit the brake it would roll forward and hit the plastic stop causing a thump. There is a lip behind the seat as well keeping it under the seat where I couldn't see it unless I look under the seat specifically. Nothing mechanical at all. Wait until she gets home!!!
wow, at least it wasn't the brake issue., it also happen to me too...a bottle water inside the back storage under the cover. lol.
LOL! [ quote=I found out what the noise was. My wife left a metal water bottle under the drivers seat filled with water, so every time I hit the brake it would roll forward and hit the plastic stop[/quote] Time to put your foot down. Lol