if the extension cord was long enough.. i would've parked behind the car.. blocking them from leaving.. and then plugged in your car. you might not be in a parking spot... but hell.. if anyone was going to give you a ticket for parking in the middle of the street... you would figure and also argue about the Jeep parked in YOUR SPOT.
Haha... no drug...at least, not in his car... I did mentioned it to the cops that there is a surveillance camera in front of the parking entrance but cops don't seem to be too interested in following up. Beside, one of the cops was in my friend's face and ready to deck my friend as soon as his hands touch the cop. My friend just think it's just a parking space. I agreed that a photo of license plate would deter the incident. :focus: It would also be helpful to email the EV parking space violators to the parking enforcement. It would definitely bring the awareness.
Ya, I second that. There is no reason to add to the craziness that is out there. Be happy that you are driving a plug-in.
Haha just noticed the window is down. It's a jeep, could have reached in and put the transfercase in neutral and pushed it out of the spot
I was at Costco in San Diego this past weekend and hunted down the EV only spots. There were 2 spots, and they were filled with a Civic Hybrid (not the worst) and a Rav4 (worse). The most jaw-dropping thing was as I was walking in, the owner of the Rav4 (a Costco employee!) gets in and starts to pull away, when a fellow employee stopped her and told her that the spot was not employee parking and was for electric vehicles only. She smirked and drove away. When I finished shopping and came back to the parking spots, I noticed that the Rav4 was BACK! That's just classless. I left a friendly note to the Civic Hybrid mentioning that the spot may be better suited for electric vehicles that require charging, and a less-friendly note to the Rav4 that also called the employee by the name she had on her name tag. <-- Ann
I parked the other day in the Alameda public garage, where two EV spots provide access to one charging station. One spot was ICEd with an Audi TT, the other one available. I plugged in, called the cops on the TT and took my boys to the library. After a few minutes it occurred to me that I hadn't paid the parking fee and we raced back - just in time as an officer pulled in. Lesson 1: Don't call the cops when you didn't pay for parking . I got a good workout though... Lesson 2: The officer said he doesn't care about EV spots. He said he doesn't even know how to enforce it. After that stressful event I decided to go with the "karma approach" recommended earlier. And if I see a driver ICEing a spot I do talk to them - I think key is to be polite and to explain why access to an EV station is important to a plugin with short range. People sort of listen.
It's common at Costco for the Tire shop to park cars in the EV parking spots. Those in the know go and ask at the tire shop and they move a car so the driver can charge.
Re: Bad parking, free parking for Tesla's There is a restaurant in Calabasas California that has a large parking lot with SEVEN !!!! EV chargers. Two of them are the paddle chargers. One of them is an AVCOM charger, and the other four are J1772 chargers (Blink), which is what the Prius uses. Unfortunately the four Blink chargers are in the valet section, and the valet expects to be paid $3 for parking and using those chargers. Parking in the other three charge spots is free, and I often see a Tesla parking in the AVCOM spot with an adapter.
In this case, the tire center is on the complete opposite side of the building so I doubt parking was for the shop.
Re: Bad parking, free parking for Tesla's I would contact the owners of the charges, I am sure they would have something to say to the valets.
This comment (about parking, such that an incorrectly parked car can't get out) kind of reminds of the other comment I read by someone who suggested slightly deflating the tires of an incorrectly parked vehicle. I don't get this type of action. It seems dangerous. If someone didn't give a damn about parking in an EV spot, do you think they would feel any restraint in vandalizing your car (or worse)? Do people really do these things? 15 miles of EV charge isn't worth the risk of my car getting keyed or me getting shot!
Re: Bad parking, free parking for Tesla's Which restaurant is that? I'd love to go check it out when I'm down there next week.
Yes, agreed. The most effective way to resolve these problems is by going through the route of getting the companies' attention by talking to the manager, twitter, email. Like LAX, all the EV parking signs should say "EV Parking Only, Non-EVs will be Towed CVC 21113" (California Vehicle Code), at least at LAX, it is enforced. This is a simple solution. After several complaints, one of the local Walgreens has now ordered Tow Away signs for their one EV parking spot.
Re: Bad parking, free parking for Tesla's Are we allowed to recommend restaurants on here? I don't want to get in any trouble for mentioning the Sagebrush Cantina. Sagebrush Cantina 23527 Calabasas Road Calabasas CA, 91302 818 222 6062 In addition there is a shopping mall, a few miles to the east with Two Blink chargers, and a number of good restaurants including Label's Delicatessian and Maria's Italian kitchen. I usually go there when I am in the neighborhood, because I don't like paying for parking.
Ah, Sagebrush Cantina... Such memories... Where in the Valley Circle shopping center are the Blink chargers? If you hadn't guessed, I grew up in Woodland Hills. My mom still lives there in the house I grew up in, and my Mother in Law lives off of Shoup.
The shopping center is now called the El Camino Shopping Center at 23335 Mulholland Drive, Woodland Hills CA. The chargers are Blink Chargers, so you have to contact Blink, Blink, to get a charge card. They are free for the time being, as is charging. The chargers are located at the south East end, just north of the Taco Bell. If you google El Camino Shopping Center, you can find a map of the shopping center.