Looking at a Prius C. Just wondering anyone spent a lot of time driving on the interstate/highways? I have a commute each day that is relatively short, 15ish miles, a good 8-10 of that is freeway traveling approx 65. Plus most weekends I travel out of town spending at least 40 miles on the interstate moving at 75-80 and then highway for about another 40 miles moving approx 60. How does the C hold up under these conditions? I know its mostly built for city, and most of the stories I read are city driving. Don't see many interstate stories though. Thanks in advance.
I use the highway at 55 everyday to work, and it does fine. Average about 74mpg to work (slight downslope), and about 64mph back (uphill).
i bought my C for the highway... and my car spends close to 90-95% on the highway. it's made a trip to san diego and back during a weekend.. and for the 2 months i've owned the car.. it's gotten over 5700 miles on it already. i'd venture to guess i would know how well it holds up on the highway... and it does well.
I have a 60 mile daily commute with my C3. I've had it almost 3 weeks, and I feel it handles the highway just fine. The highway speeds here are 70mph, but when nobody's around, I'll go 60mph just to bump up the numbers. I'm really enjoying the car, and the gas savings. I have a '11 Jeep Wrangler for weekends
The car has no problems traveling at 75-80 mph. I believe it's top speed is 108. Of course you'll get lower MPG at 80 than you will at 55, but I doubt you'll ever get as low as the EPA rating of 46. My daily commute is 30 minutes at highway speeds of 65-75 followed by 30 more minutes at mainly 40-50 on rural roads, with the last 4 or 5 miles at speeds of less than 40. I have never taken a reading for just the highway portion, but overall, I am averaging 56-60 mpg on the 1 hour drive. The car handles admirably on the highway, and I have never felt a lack of power for any needs. The transmission takes some getting used to. There is none of that seat of the pants kind of feedback you get from down shifting a manual or flooring an automatic. The response is gradual and often the numbers quickly rising on the speedometer is the only feedback you get that you are actually accelerating. That, and the noise of the gas engine. I clocked a 10 mile stretch the other day where I was unable to go higher than 38mph, and got 76 mpg. So this car is truly a MPG monster for city drivers who will be in that speed range most of the time. But it's no slouch on the highway. Find a dealer who will let you take it on a test drive alone, and give it a real workout, with ECO mode off.
We live in the country and we travel about 15 miles to town on state highways usually driving around 60mph. No problem there. We get good mileage going in and great mileage coming home. (I guess because it is warmed up and the batteries are charged). Round trip is always 60+ mpg. My kids and Mom live 100 + miles away and those trips are interstate driving, usually around 67 +/-mph. No problem keeping up with the big boys when/if I feel the need, but I just have more time than money. Those trips mpg average in the upper 50's. The C in Prius c is for "city" because that is where this little feller really shines! For me it'll get in the 70 mpg range just running around town easily, every time. My feelings are, in terms of longevity, the Prius c will hold up as well, and probably better, than most small cars. But then, some people can tear up an anvil. Deb
Your commute sounds like mine. But I usually take the long way to work and it's more highway. 12 miles each way, 22 miles if I take the long way. With the mpgs being so much better than the other cars I have, I can once again take pleasure drives through the countryside or on the interstates. I really enjoy that, and missed it greatly. I've done a lot of highway miles through the years. This car is pretty nice on the open road. It's very good in the city. It does a combination of the two very well. It's not as plush as a larger car would be, but it does pretty good. If you can keep yourself from getting hung up on getting the absolutely best mpgs, and keep your tire pressures in a reasonable range, the ride is better than the other small cars I've had. I've only had it for a couple thousand miles, but it feels good and I expect a long life with little drama. All in all, I'm pleased with this purchase.
The c is great for longer highway trips ( >10 miles) followed by a few miles in the city. You'll notice the mpg slowly creeping up from the point you merge onto the highway (~40mpg) to the exit (48-53mpg) and it'll likely jump to 55+ when you finish your reach your destination in the city. Short trips do hurt mpgs noticeably.
Thanks guys and gals this is helpful. I just wanted to see what some others opinions were on highway/interstate. I didn't want to just destroy my gas mileage (being the reason I'd get a C) if i did a lot of interstate driving, since ya know its built for city driving and all. As long as I can maintain a 45+ on my 40mile interstate rides I'm happy with that. I'm driving a 4x4 Explorer sport and its killing me in gas, i think I get average of 19mpg right now. So I don't even know what to think of 50+
I've been using the Prius C to commute to work daily for the last six weeks and I'm getting an average of about 52MPG. About 80% of the 50-mile roundtrip is highway at 60-65 MPH. It handles well on the highway.
I have had my C for just over a month and have put on over 6k miles. I live in the midwest and can tell you two things that matter incredibly...speed and wind. When it is windy and I go 75+ I get 39-44mpg When it is not windy and I go 75+ I get 44-47mpg When it is windy and I go 55 I get 48mpg When it is not windy and I go 55 I get closer to the 53-55mpg mark. I keep on eco and use cruise control when I reach desired speed. I don't hypermile or use any special driving techniques other than I try not to gun it from a stop like I used to.
I commute 17.5 miles a day, about 16.5 of which is on the freeway. I get just over 50 MPG (according to the display) on the freeway parts, with the sidestreets and on-ramps considerably less. My fill ups have been in the 45 to 48 range (never hit 50 yet). I usually set my cruise control at 65. If I get stuck in stop and go traffic, my MPG can shoot up to over 65.
I drive highway all the time and have no issues (55 mile commute to work) but just to give you one negative to think about - it can get a bit windy. I came from a 2011 Jetta (switched for several reasons, and the Prius brought my monthly payment down) and my C definitely has more wind noise. I will say it doesn't bother me, and with music I don't notice it, but I thought if you were picky you might want to take that into consideration Great car though, and I don't think I'll ever regret my decision to trade.
as a person who's done and still has plans to make 6-9 hr long trips... i have no complaints about comfort.
I drive my C4 like a regular car. No Eco mode for me. I take expressways to work. Recently I drove it from SF to LA. Struggled on the steep I-5 inclines but that was expected. Back and neck were a bit sore, but it is different for everyone. AC on most of the way. 45mpg. Very content.
I also commute 60 miles to work and 60 miles back home, 85% of which is on the highway. My C does great on the highway. Going into work is more up hill then down and I average 51 mpg. On the way home I take advantage of the down hill slopes and can get 56+ mpg. I've had to learn to drive more conservatively to get better mpg's. It has no problem getting up to speed, or even passing someone if you time it right (i.e. on a down hill). As far as comfort, I like it a lot and I've had no complaints from my passengers. So far I love my C and see it lasting me a long time to come. Go check one out, bet you'll like it to.