I'm thinking of how to solve this problem and come up with an idea of using the Apple iPad anti-glare screen protector. Do you think it will help? Have anyone tried it? I just placed the order for the screen protector from ebay. I'll post the results with picture as soon as I receive the screen protector.
I have a leftover iPad screen protector and was not sure what to do with it...until now.. Great idea.
did the protector work? Glare is horrible making the screen almost useless. Thinking of tinting windows also-want to anyway maybe it will cut the glare
I think the problem is that the angle is all wrong on the screen - it's perfectly set to reflect light from the windows directly into your eyes. In my other car I have a TomTom GPS with a vent mount. That puts it about six inches higher thant the screen in the C, and I have it set so the screen is vertical and angled towards me so that there are no light reflections. It's very visible even in bright sunshine. I find in the C that if I put my head right up to the roof the reflections aren't as bad, so it's definitely a positioning issue. Perhaps Toyota's designers never tested it on a sunny day...
I have not. I may pick one up tomorrow. If I shade it from the top it is a little better, but will most likely get my windows tinted. I did give feed back to Toyota and the dealer.
I noticed the glare right away as well, and I feel like the stereo screen should angle more toward the driver vs toward the passenger... it definitely doesn't seem to be pointing straight back. I've always wanted tinted windows for a few reasons (cooler in temp, harder to see inside, style) but this may finally get me to spend the extra money.