It's too bright for nighttime driving: The reflexion onto the dash makes it look like I have a constant ghostly green bridge overhead at all times through the windscreen. Where is the brightness knob? I had a quick fumble and could not find it.
To the left of the steering wheel, just below and to the right of the driver's side vent. It's a little wheel that rolls up and down. Edit: Oh wait, this the C forum. Sorry.
Don't give up the faith, you were right. Page 2 of the PDF, page 180 of the manual.
It is going to happen more and more. I told a PIP owner this week that EV mode was only good for in a parking lot. Must have been a 13 mile long parking lot.
speaking of brightness... how do I increase the brightness on all the steering wheel buttons? they are very faint at night when i have the headlights on. The above mentioned instument slider does nothing for the steering wheel buttons.