I've got the Viper SS5000 system now and will document my progress doing a self install. Any advice from others would be great. Have to interface some wires with the car for lights, horn, starter, etc.. Makes me nervous! I don't have a Bypass module for the ignition yet which I assume is necessary to use a remote start, so I'll have to figure that out and order it. Only just got the system today so I need to look through it all and get a better idea of what the different parts are, then I will get to work.
how does remote start work with a car that doesnt necessarily start its gas engine.. you cannot get an RPM reading to know that the car is running? -Christopher
Well when you turn the key you get a Ready light whether the gas engine needs to run or not. If it's cold or you've left the heat on, the gas engine will turn on. So I assume "starting" it will get you the ready light and the car takes over from there.
Didn't know I couldn't. Least of my worries right now, I'll figure that out if I can actually get it installed in the car!
Which is looking pretty grim. Way too many wires, just looks like a total mess to try to install.. warranty issues, etc.. None of the local shops want to work on a Hybrid. What a pain! Is there a starter that my Toyota dealer can install? What about security system?
we do many of these in prius at out toyota dealership in de.no issues altough the c is the only one there has no module for it yet the c has a dif.encryption code.im not 100% about the c with the key but ones with the push start nothing yet.altough u can use a uti and a spare key to get it to work but u dont get all the stuff u would if u use a module.hope this helps.they are saying mid to late summer for the modules.
I thought it was the opposite. The "C" with keyless is doable using regular Prius firmware but the cars with 80-bit (traditional) keys are a no-go unless you use a key-in-a-box? What brand modules are you using? I use ADS/iDatalink exclusively.
as with most hybrids... leaving the car running in idle would be a waste... so having the remote start would be a real waste of fuel.. the best thing is always starting the car and driving off immediately.. and allow the ICE to warm up while driving. having an alarm is one thing... but having a remote start?? um.. i would ditch that idea. if you need to warm up the engine.. i would look into getting a block heater... but it's mostly for people who live in ice cold areas with snow and the such.. it's May... and pretty warm.. and summer is soon approaching.. so.. i really don't see a point in warming up the ICE while the car just sits there using up fuel when you could just turn on the car and be off on your way.
Living in a cold winter climate the issue isnt so much burning up fuel as it is when you get 1/2" of ice (freezing rain and sleet) on your car, freezing the doors shut.. which can cause damage to the door seals when opening frozen doors.. esp when often freeze conditions like this occur with a period of rain or such at the onset where water gets everywhere.. then freezes... Remote start allows you to warm the car and melt the ice away from your door seals preserving their Life... if you do manage to get the door open then you still have a long wait with the ICE running before you can even scrape or knock the ice off the car safely without scratching the paint or glass... Personally I would rather let the ICE run while im sitting in my warm home or office than i would prying open the door and sitting in a cold car.... -Christopher
Yeah, cadillac knows what I'm talking about! The remote start would be for cold winters only, sometimes you just need to let the thing warm up to help melt ice off the windows. But it's not a necessity, especially right now. I'm in Newfoundland, Canada. On an island. Slim picking of installers. I talked to the few here and none of them wanted to work on a hybrid / didn't call me back. The "starter" part of this system seems to be a separate module, so I'm going to try without it for now.. Though some programming appears to require to turn the ignition on, etc, so it may be required. I would like to know which bypass module to use as well. I have the normal key version, not push button.. So where do I find the main wires which I need to tap into with the system? (lights, door unlocks, power, etc)