So another 2006 dead battery issue. Six weeks for replacement, warranty is only 1 year, 12,000 miles (and I'm sure I put 24k on a year). At the dealer, that is. Anyone gone used? My usual non-hybrid mechanic has gone hybrid, checking to see if she can source a battery from a upullit or something. I'd rather not get an all new car right now, but I might need to - is there a decent trade in value on a 120k + (I don't know the mileage but it is at least that) bum battery prius or private sale likelyness? Other repairs have been pretty routine - except for two years ago when the bit that makes the engines talk to one another died to the tune of about a thousand dollars ...
Or I could have read a little deepr sorry still in shock from the price/failure/lack of sleeeep ... Okay, going to print out that first page and take it to my local mech who is now hybrid trained and see what she can do for me.
2004-2009 Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Pack. | eBay Is the 'best' used battery, for several choices prius battery | eBay
Thanks, all. Still talking to Toyota; looks like my local mechanic has a line on a few places she can get one. I''ll hang on to the links in case we need more options. :cheer2:
My hybrid battery went out at 155,000 miles. Dealership broke me the bad news. Said it would cost $4,000 and then said they'd have the new car salesman call me. He even insulted me more when he offered me $2,000 for my 2005 Prius that cost me $30,000 with all the bells & whistles. For those of you not interested in rebuilding the hybrid battery pack yourself, if you are located anywhere near Nashville, Tennessee, give Tommy Roller a call. He owns Roller Salvage in McMinnville, TN. Telephone number - 931-939-2971. Tommy is a good friend of my son-in-law and he can do most anything relating to automobiles. Besides Roller, I only located two companies in the entire Southeast that would tackle the job - one in Melbourne, FL - Mellors Automotive and the other in Savanah, GA Both wanted over $1,000. Tommy Roller rebuilt my battery for $550. Great country guy who's not interested in making a killing. He saved me $3,500 and my Prius is back up and running again!!
Most batteries cannot be rebuilt. These days, $1000 is cheap, if you are talking about a battery that someone will warranty for a year. I hope it works out for you in the long run.
Toyota warranty repairs are 1 year unlimited mileage. What codes were retrieved to indicate a HV battery failure?
Do these guys put new batteries in? I know you can perhaps recondition batteries that have less miles on them, but what if the core returning batteries are from cars with over 200k (like mines)? I wouldn't want these batteries in my recondition battery pack.