I have attached a few pictures of the new plate we had made. It is sharp. Let me know if you are interested.
Unfortunately, California Laws prevent using that... They demand we have our License Plate on both front and back.
It's just like the glass plates you buy like MLB or college team plates. They used black glass with silver lettering with half a blue V. It is reflective that is why you see the brick in the V reflection.
At night this *^%$$** thing will reflect headlight right back and be another dangerous stupid distraction to oncoming traffic.
The light hitting the license plate would be coming from a higher level than the plate.. thus it should reflect downward unless the plate is angled as such to reflect the light upward. That would require a pretty serious angle, I'd think. Most plate holders are vertical. When you consider how little area of the plate is reflective and the fact that you already have headlights pointed at you from the oncoming car, I think there will be practically zero distraction from this plate. Think about it this way, if someone is driving in pitch dark with no headlights on and having this plate, the plate could save your life by reflecting your light and you can avoid the guy driving around with no lights on. :lol:
Agreed. Beside the mirror portions are flat and small so even if you try to reflect the light to a target while standing still, it will be hard press to do so. The convex surface has a much better chance because it projects much wider angle.
My wife paid $44 for this on ebay including shipping. Place is Puckerfishmirrors and they have an ebay store. They can make it in any color you want it you don't want black. As for as a problem with other drivers, that is ridiculous as many people have mirrored plates anymore and the plate is angled down some so it doesn't reflect up.
I found it on sale on ebay to day for $29.45 shipped. Toyota Prius Mirror Laser License Plate Black/Silver/L Blue NEW!! | eBay
I agree with the post that the mirror is an annoyance, if somebody get's blinded and hits something, well, that's not going to be a pretty situation. I'd think a plate that doesn't quite allow the numbers to be "photoed" would be quite popular until outlawed.
Well, if you're in a state that doesn't require a front license plate why not just have none? Cleaner look and may save you .0000001 MPGs!
The reason I left the stock black plastic frame on is to act like a bumper in case I run into someone or something while I am trying to park or whatever.
Being in Philly, you might as well just go ahead and get is scraped. I was visiting friends there last summer and one of our friends' neighbors left us with a going away present on the MINI. $400 later all was well.
That's why I turned my backyard garden into the garage. I had to fight the city for the permit since the fire code required 10-15% open space between the building!