Ok, I will just have to tell him I got a better deal and does he want to sell me the warranty at that price or not. So the ball will be in his court and he will have to answer deal or NO deal! (Love that show on tv LOL) So either way if I buy from the dealer or on here I have up to 3 years to buy it right? If so I will want a bit to recover from shelling out the money for the car! :blink:
[attachmentid=1564]Tracy, I am going to do a test here, if I can figure out how to post a pic, it will be of a fob. If it does not work, a fob is a little black square plastic thing with three buttons on it, lock, unlock, and horn.
] Yes, you do....3y or 36K, which ever comes first....but, the extended warranty that Troy offers here may have gone up in price by then. Then again, it may have gone down. I saw it go up $5 this year. Not much.
With SKS and the fob in your pocket, the car senses the fob in your pocket as you get within close range. Then, when you grab a handle, the door automatically unlocks. Then you get in, and close the door and you can press start and drive away because it senses the fob in your pocket. The car knows it is you because it is sending out a signal that reads the code of the fob and verifies it with the code in the car. Without SKS, you would have to get the fob in your pocket or purse or whereever, press the middle button to unlock your door, then insert the fob in the slot near the steering wheel, then press start and drive away. A few more steps involved, but still keyless in that you are not inserting a key into the door to get in, but not entirely perhaps because you are inserting a fob to start the thing. With SKS you are keyless and fobless, and you can shut SKS on and off from a button below the wheel if you do not want that feature on at any point.
But I'm going to pay for those extra options. I just can't justifying paying out anymore than I would be. I guess I will just have to tell myself that you can't miss what you never had. (And not look at anyone Prius that have those cool options)
I also was considering getting package #1 (2005 Prius), since I'm a bare bones car kind of guy. I'm very happy now to have package #3, which includes more air bags, SKS, floor mats, and not much more. The SKS thing is great, very convenient if you have your hands full, or are dealing with an umbrella, etc. It has a minimal cost bump, but a considerable bump in utility and safety. Anyways, just like any other computer, the first thing to do in the very rare circumstance that all your indicator lights come on is to reboot it a couple of times...At least that's my plan if it ever happens. I suspect that will cover a good bit of the weird states that computers and computer driven equipment can get into. The Prius is a great car, you'll have lots of fun with it. And I have the "silver millenium metallic", which is a real nice color. I also like the greenish color, but would really love the deep blue color that is apparently only available in Japan. -Roger
Then the #1 is best suited for you, and you will be happy without them, since you will not be thinking about all the options you just paid for and didnt really want. So, even though I don't recommend #1, doesn't mean it is not right for you or others. The #6-8 is way too much for me, but the #1 seems to leave me with nothing but the car. But, it sounds like that is all you really want. There are other standard features that are cool, like the bi-parting glove compartment, storage compartment in back, toneau cover, fold-down rear seats, MFD.....
Ok I will have to see what a Package #3 would cost. <_< I guess it's like a home computer that sometimes things just get locked up and you have to shut down and reboot huh? Oh I think a deep blue would be nice. Wonder why it's only available in Japan :angry:
The mats can come with any package since they are port installed accesories. My #3 came with mats, wheel locks, and RBA, and a friend of mine's came with just mats and RBA, but his was a #6. I did not have a choice in the matter. I was hoping for just the mats, and if the RBA(rear bumper applique), then so be it, but the wheel locks are fine with me.
Thannks! Did you buy them for the entire car (front and back?) I didn't like the tan interior. Way to light for me. I guess the seat cushions would help with that though.