I wonder if we'll see a Prius Wireless model in a few years: Qualcomm Shows Halo, Their Wireless Vehicle Charging Technology - Bright Side Of News.
Today days, we can purchase similar equipment based in similar technology in the USA. I remember reading an steep price of $12,000 for the wireless recharging docking station. I will dugout-up the information from the home computer and post the link.... a very neat concept.
You realize similar technology has been around since the creation of AC/DC? Lots of people know what a Tesla Coil is but few realize what it's original purpose was (back in the 1890's). Or that it was direct competition to Thomas Edison in the AC vs DC war. Really is a good read if you are interested. I'm sure there is a good Wiki write up on it all. It gets even more interesting when you start finding out about the true purpose of the Electric Chair and how it was basically created as a smear campaign.
I am not sure it was a war, from the onset of AC Generation at Niagra Falls, success was guaranteed because of one Genius: Tesla. He was playing around with Tesla coils because he wanted to transmit high power long distances and go wireless in all forms of electrical transmission. He actually developed different vacuum tubes, but did not recognize thier value because of his search. It is a tragedy that he died in poverty. Edison on the other hand, could only see DC. If he had prevailed we would have had batteries up the ying yang