My wife and I purchased a 2012 Prius HB 3 on March 10. We closed the deal and were told to pick the car up the next day. When we arrived, the car had been sold to someone else and they scrambled to find another just like it (another story for another day). The one we originally bought had some port installed options on it that the dealer said he'd make right - floor mats, lit door sills and bumper applique. I brought the car back a week later (they had to order the applique) and left it for the day. When I picked it up later that day, I was eager to get home so I didn't really focus on the applique. When I got home, my 11 y.o. son came out and the first thing he said was 'what's the 'v' stand for' Sure enough, the dealer installed a Prius V applique on our Prius HB. I emailed the dealer a pic and they said they would fix it. They ordered another one and scheduled me for a couple of weeks later to correct it. When I took it back the second time I made sure to look at it to make sure it wasn't another 'v' and it looked OK, but I picked it up in the middle of the day and it was really bright outside. When I got home, my 11 yo son came out and the first thing he said was 'Why is the appliques slanted?' Sure enough, it was lopsided. The left trailing edge didn't fold over the bumber, while the right trailing edge folded over about a 1/2". in the dimmer light of the evening you could plainly see the bottom edge of the applique and it wasn't level with the rest of the car. I called the dealer again and explained what had happened. They had to order another applique (they don't seem to stock these things) and set me up for a couple of weeks later to install. Fast forward to last week. I bring it in, they install it it. Custom shop manager brings out a tape measure and shows me that the applique is level. I agree with him, but notice that now the 'I' in Prius is not centered with the hatch strike. It's off about 3/4". Having been there three times to get this right, I went home to research this before calling them again. As far as I can tell, it's wrong again. The first 'V' applique was just the wrong one, but the second, although slanted, was at least centered left to right with the 'I' directly in line with the strike. I looked for installation instructions and found the the Gen II instructions clearly call for the decal (and 'I') to be centered with the strike and Toyota even cuts a notch onto the decal to make it foolproof. I know that this sounds picky, but this is our first new car in 13 years and with kids approaching driving age, probably our last and it should be right. I even offered to leave the original Prius V applique alone if the dealer gave me it's value as a credit against some other accessory but they insisted oin 'making it right'. Part of me thinks that this last applique was misaligned on purpose - like sending your steak back to the kitchen because it wasn't cooked right and having the chef spit on it. For you Prius owners that have the applique, is the 'I' centered on the hatch strike? Anyone install it themselves remember a centering notch? Should I ask for another applique and just do it myself? What's really rubs me is that the dealer's custom shop installed the 3M clearbra perfectly and it's infinitely harder to get right. This is a silly little 30" strip of clear vinyl and it seems to baffle them Thanks for your help and feedback.
Did the dealer actually install the clear bra (even though they say so) or did they sub-contract the job to a different place (very common). Take it to a body shop. They have way more experience and my body shop installed mine perfectly each of the two times I was rear ended.
The dealership has a custom shop that they own across the street from the sales and service side. My guess is that they do all the accessories, leather, wheels, etc in house to maximize profits - can't blame a third party.
I plan on it In the three hours it took them to locate a replacement for the car they sold out from under our feet, he had the Prius brochure and specs memorized and was stumping the salesman with questions he couldn't answer. Future engineer.
The reality is that the applique is also fragile - you really need an applique to protect the applique Or get one of the rugged PVC plastic 'appliques' - that's one of my first mods I do on these things...
I don't recommend spending (wasting?) your money on the rear applique. I have one on my 2004 and the bumper still managed to get scratched through the thin film. Plus, it really doesn't show up well on a white car. I highly recommend this instead: PriusChat Shop : 2010-12 Toyota Prius OEM Rear Bumper Protector [2010BP] - $41.99 I am confident this offers much better protection (and looks better IMHO).
I just treat that area just like any other painted panels and don't drag stuff across it. It's still in perfect condition. It's an eyesore especially on BP.
I'm happy for you that you can do that. The rest of us who have families and real world crap that comes with that need a little more help. Meh, I don't think so.
Way overkill with side moldings, lower chrome moldings, rear bumper protector and stickers, but whatever people like. By the way, the applique is more cosmetic than protection, so I'd never get it as a form of protection.
I agree. I got the clear "Prius" applique (aligned correctly I guess, who looks at it that closely...I guess 11 year olds who are eye level with it) but the black one will look much better especially with the Pearl. It will match the black/white color scheme of the car. I wonder if I can just put the black protector over the clear applique?
I had similar problem when I picked up my V, not only the applique was not centered and lopsided but also trapped several air bubbles and plenty of finger prints on both ends! I pointed that out to the service manager who told me that he'd order another one and schedule me a week later. I accepted the new order but declined their installation which I believed they did the "dry" stick-on. Once I got the piece, with bottled water (tap water may leave the lime deposit) and Baby shampoo added, I sprayed the pre-cleaned area, aligned the "v" notch with the striker and leveled it lengthwise, gently squeegeed the solution from the center outward. It took a mere few minutes. I later covered it with the black protector though. I think when it's time to remove the black protector for replacement (if needed), the applique may help save the paint. Now I am thinking of putting another applique on the back of the bumper.
I would just get the black hard plastic one instead of the applique. It protects is better. It works nicely on darker color cars than lighter ones though.