Good news, even for those with fuel-sipping vehicles. Fuel Prices Drop, Diesel Down 3%, Gasoline 4% Read the full story »
Despite the national trend, it's not true here in CA. See To quote from Rising California gas prices expected to increase even more - San Jose Mercury News (published and updated 5/11/12):
I think California has its own special issues with refineries,_the_Suspension_of_AB_32_(2010) It looks like killing values in refineries are causing to the refiners to strike back. I think it may get worse next year. Since some in california sought to punish the refiners, I'm betting those refiners have decided to cut investment and punish the politicians in california.
I was going to say not in Cali. Saturday at 6pm, fuel was $4.056 at Costco; it was $4.20+ elsewhere. Then on Sunday at 10am, the same Costco charged $4.159.
NoVA seems to be national average $3.72 and down maybe 30-40 cents from max. Filled Prius and minivan this weekend. Sorry about CA.
I don't mind that our prices have not fallen. Maybe people will continue to ditch gas hogs for something more fuel efficient. The only part I don't like is knowing my money is not really being used well. $250+ a month. Grrr
so $4.25/gallon at Newport, OR is "falling"? really? filled up for $30 though. Got 54 MPG going inland. Still love this car. only saw 15 Prii on the trip (Highway 20). And that is NOT a typo. Fifteen! No Cs, no Vs, no plug-ins. Just the Gen 2 and 3. Plus 2 Classics. Finally saw a white Volt on Highway 34 (near Corvallis, OR).
...ever notice that when there is a gas price run-up of say 50 cents, it only comes down 25 before the next run-up? ...ever think that if fuel prices keep going up, even though we drive fuel efficient cars, that we aren't accomplishing anything? Or... if we are really forcing fuel prices down, we are just benefiting the owners of gas guzzlers? Such is the twisted life of a Prius owner.
Politicians ... they'll be back in line picking up the soap in no time. I guess the refiners showed them. .
It seems to but I have never ran more than a tank of any other gas due to the extreme price difference.
We have been dropping in Michigan but I was very surprised at what happened yesterday. Even with the price of a barrel of oil down around $12 the last week, we jumped yesterday from $3.55 to $3.89 in one shot.
according to gas buddy: California Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in California There are a couple places around L.A. as well as out in the desert that are getting 4.99.9 /gallon. I'm SO glad I'm not paying for gas any more.
Its being thrown in a pit. It would have been much more honest of the politicians to impose a gas tax or an oil tax if they wanted the price of gas to go up. At least that way the state would have been able to use the price increase to reduce the deficit. Washington and Oregon are being hurt by it too. At least this should only be the case this year. In california, I expect it to happen again next year. California gasoline prices jump average of 15.4 cents in one week - Warning soap box rant. Its a lose lose situation. The refineries are going to lose money in the future because of the law, so they cut back on maintenance costs and have low capacity. This allows them to make big profits at times like this, but they lose in the long run. The people in california get a price spike that will likely end right after memorial day weekend, but show up again next spring. I guess CARB can claim it won, because it got to raise gas prices and blame the oil companies at the same time. If they passed a gas tax everyone would know who voted to raise prices. Now it really is the drivers that are causing the pollution, but that would be too honest to blame them. No matter what those refineries are going to put out the same ghg for every gallon that gets consumed in the state.
I've run mine on Costco a few times. Never more than one tank in a row. I normally use BP or Hess mid grade. I've never noticed any difference in performance or mileage.
Thanks. My Jeep didn't care what gas I used, just went through a *lot*. My husband could tell when I put Costco gas in his Rav4, so I've been using top tier gas in the Prius. The Costco out here is significantly cheaper and was thinking about trying a tank in the Pruis.
I've used Costco gas here and there, mostly in CA when I used to pass by a Costco w/a gas station a lot/shop at that Costco. I've never had any trouble w/it. It's been ages since I've gone to Costco for gas though.
I drove by there and saw them this weekend. It's always like that. Lots of SUVs, trucks and boats. Yup. I just wish I didn't have to contribute so much to the pit.