Luckily I have 1 year and 11 months for this to be improved so I am giving Toyota a chance here. The Bing search is just plain awful. It seems most items I search for are not in their search engine but are for businesses that have existed for years. So I am starting a list here and encourage others to add any item they know has been around for a few years but yet is not part of the Bing search. BTW, I have a Garmin GPS that is internet connected (Nuvi 1690) via cellular and uses Google search, it has never failed to find what I want so it is for sure possible. Where is the failure in the Bing/Entune combo, I really don't care just fix it. 1. Golfland USA, Sunnyvale, CA 2. Aria Restaurant, Cupertino, CA Does anybody have an email of someone at Toyota that will actually look at this list and enact some improvements?
I found Golfland on the Entune Bing search app (855 E El Camino Real). I could not find Aria on the Entune Bing search app, and I could not find it with google search. I even tried Aria on my Garmin with mapset CN North America NT 2011.31 with no luck. I always thought that you at best had %50 chance of finding any business in the best databases (Garmin and maybe a little better chance with Google). Thank you for the specific examples. I don't mind trying things for myself to see if I can tweek the search a little and get it to work. I don't think that Toyota has much say in how Microsoft improves Bing search. I would contact NavTech map maker (they want your input), or Google if they have a map corrections email.
You know you have 3 years of free Entune, right? Did you try searching miniature golf in sunnyvale, CA?
Wow I would like to know how you found it. I tried on my Android phone with the Entune app just installed on Friday, used it on Saturday and my Wife's iphone and neither could find a search for "GolfLand" or "Golfland" or "GolfLand USA". The only hits I got were in the Southern CA area which the app tells me is over 300 miles away so my search location is correct. Now I did finally found it using "miniture golf" as suggested by Quentin. I am glad I found it but it really should not be this difficult
I just typed in "Golfland Sunnyvale, CA" in all the search engines. So I did take the USA out after Golfland. I learned from garmin searches that less is more. Also, the first time I typed Golfland on my ipad2 it tried to aut correct it to Golf land (two words), but I stopped it from doing that.
I don't understand all the problems. I have a cheap LG Encore phone using ATT's pay as you go I pay about 8 bucks a month...and everything works just fine. My previous phone didn't work because the bluetooth was I replaced it with this one, expecting, at best, to be able to make remote phone calls. I was pleasantly surprised when I tried the other apps and they worked. It's no smart phone so I couldn't download the app about which I keep hearing, but it doesn't seem necessary anyway. What am I missing?
From the looks of the LG site with regards to the LG Encore, it is a variation Smartphone, not an Android or an iPhone. Given it has 'Social Net' on it, it is probably using a standard data type connection, so the bluetooth might be hotspotting it for your car.