So my wife and I went to the Fresh and Easy and parked in the "Hybrid" spots they have next to the doors. We were inside for about 30 minutes, and then came out to find a huge ding on the right passenger door. There is no paint missing but its approximately 2-3" long and very noticeable. I can't believe people are out there that would do this and not leave a note or anything. Any ideas how to fix it? I feel absolutely sick about it as we have had the car just about a month only...
i know how it feels... i just had it happen to me yesterday.. too many people out there are inconsiderate and disrespectful of someone else's property. find a paintless dent repair person to fix it.. that's what i had to do.
ohh so sorry to hear this. This exact thing happened to my new Scion 2 years ago. First dent was two weeks after getting it (saw the person do it and got their plate) Second time (on the other side!) happened just a couple weeks later. THEN yesterday, no figure I see on our 12 Prius scratches right below the drivers door. something the misses did (shhh) and it looks bad. She didnt even think/know she did it. I used to park way out there in the parking lots... it does help to an extent. But, if it is going to happen, it is going to happen. Just try to limit it. Now in your can also check to see if they have cameras in the lot. May be able to get something from them if they record.
i was sitting in my car a couple weeks ago and i watched this woman fling open the door of the car next to mine. it came an inch from hitting my side mirror, and i was watching her the whole time!! if she had hit my car.....god help me...
If you live in NYC, you would have a "heart attack" parking on the streets. That's why I bought a C1 instead of a C4.
For large dents, you can use the suction cup of a GPS mount to fix it. For small dents, try Pops a Dent. I have used both. They are not perfect, but better than nothing.
Took the wife unit to a movie the other night, came back to a series of scuffs on the passenger door. I feel your pain :/
Sorry to hear about your trouble dano... If it helps- I had my brand new 2001 Mitsubishi Spyder convertible exactly one day when my brother in-law's neighbor backed directly out of his driveway- across the street and right smack bang into my driver side door causing several hundred dollars damage. One day old car! I was ready to kill When I'm alone- I do that too, but my wife doesn't like to walk as much as I do- so I give her a choice when we shop together... "If we take my car- you know I'm parking out in the boonies, otherwise we'll take your car". We usually end up taking her car
What is a "Fresh and Easy"? Reminds me of the Girls Mom told me to stay away from in High School. That's too bad seriously. I would like to hope it was just an accident, and not a thought out act of vandalism. I agree that paintless dent repair is probably your best move.
Somebody probably didn't like the idea that you had prefered parking and that they had to walk an extra 50' and you didn't, and that was their way of expressing themselves. It's a shame that there are those kinds of people in the world. I too have heard good things about the paintless dent guys!
Yeah, had a guy park next to me at a Fresh and Easy in the Hybrid Only spot then just look at me and laugh and told me "its flex fuel" E85... Called the sheriff's department and they were all over that shit, ticket for unlawful parking. Easy money for the city and a tax on the stupid Day after I got my Prius, went to a car meet and watched as a guy on a bicycle left the store and dragged his backpack across my hood as he tried to put it was a funny sight until I saw the scratch
I just washed the "c" in the driveway. Guess what?!! Found more dents on the front bumper! I guess it's now fully break-in.
Do you think that body side moldings might have helped? I'm wondering if they would be a good investment. Considering my wife is going to go for those mall parking spots near the door, no matter how tight they are.. After she get's home, she's going to want to go for a 4 mile walk..?.
The car will be hit wherever the moldings aren't just as the rock will hit just beyond the plastic film. What we really need are wider parking spaces.
Yes, paintless dent repair. I had a tree limb fall on my Infiniti and crease the door. The PDR guy did a fantastic job and only cost $150. He took 98% of the crease out. You could only see it from a certain angle.
What would help the most is a person to actually think. But society does not do that anymore. Every time we park (no matter where) I always tell the kids in the back.... "watch your door" They always say, "I know" but I still say it. One day that it matters is when they will THINK and not hit the f'ing car next to them. If anyone thinks about it, this would not happen. I mean what's it matter, it is only a $30k car. We (normally) take a 3-6 year loan on it, and pay out the watusi for it. And then ruin it all by flinging your door open to hit the car next to you because you dont think? Peeps just gotta get a clue and think. It is just a bit hard for most to do.
Bummer This why after almost 3 months I am still peaking far away and walking.... No respect for other folks property these days....
I am reminded by a roommate accusing me of scratching the roof of his 5 series BMW with my shopping bag. I could not tell with the swirls of the polishing... But it was his baby, and I offered to pay for a car waxing... He declined... But three years in with my old Baja I had some a-hole take major paint off of my bumper I work in retail sales in my area. Not a total slave, but work hard for my money. In building "raport" with the customer I mentioned that I had just bought my Baja at the time. They "sniffed" and just said that was nice after telling me about their new MB that was 3 times the cost of my Baja. I am old enough to remember an age that any new car regardless of income level was something to celebrate...