taking up a marked EV only spot; went and talked with an officer nearby, he said he'd check it out after they finished looking for a perp on another crime.
That's interesting! Usually, outside the left coast that is, "stork" parking or "EV-only" or anything that's not handicapped is not considered to be a legally constraining "parking restriction." As much as the self-absorbed left-coasties like to poke fun of folks that live in the south, it's interesting that they would have and enforce "EV-Only" parking in Gawga.
That's pretty common in Los Angeles with our "VIP" mentality. Have you printed out those parking tickets that say "you park like an donkey"? youparklikeanasshole.com
That parking spot is on public property, and the City of Woodstock funds the charging station to draw in business. I did point the violation out to a Woodstock PD officer; didn't follow up to see if he issued a citation. And I have written an email to the Mayor of Woodstock thanking the city for putting this charging station in. It is convenient to several restaurants in a downtown that was once largely deserted. I still need to print out those park like an a***ole notices.... We ended up eating somewhere else this time.
this is a real story that just happened on Friday... my friend asked the lady to straighten out her car so he can park in space next to her. She got so upset and start to curse at him. My friend moved to another space and went into the restaurant. 30 minutes later, there are 8 police officers surrounded my friends car and he was called outside. They got a call from a concerned citizen that my friend was dealing drug in the parking lot and he has drugs in his car. They searched the car and treated my friend as suspect (which is reasonable.. hahaha). But all this waste of resource because someone feels they have right to park however they want. This is sad.
Wow.. Uh, what part of Southern California did this happen in? The "8 police officers" part sounds like Irvine. Assuming it was the crazy lady that called it in, I hope she gets in trouble.
And I was just wondering where all the police are as an SUV flew past me with a speed sign flashing that they were driving 55 in a 30 mph zone. I think the SoCal police are just lazy and lame.
If there's a parking authority, you may want to get ahold of them instead of the cops. I'm sure they love to give out parking tickets, like they do around here.
Hahha.. I felt same about Irvie cops.. No. This was in Arcadia..Maybe it was lunch break for the cops. My friend was complaining about the process and it was going down wrong with the cops... I pulled him away before this becomes another Rodney King or Kelly Thomas situation. I hope she gets in trouble for it.
Parking enforcement would love the opportunity but I see more violations in private parking lots which most owners will not enforce. I was at South Coast and there was a 911 parked in EV. Too much trouble and time to call attention to parking enforcement while wife is waiting to spend my paycheck...Moved on...
On mynissanleaf.com, they refer to ICEVs parking in EV spots as being ICEd. Here's a semi-related one: My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking Space defiled by a Volvo SUV.
I think in many of these situations a "you parked like an a-hole" and letting the air out of at least 2 tires (so they can't just put on a spare and be on their way), would send a strong message. Pretend you are checking the tire pressure with a tire gauge, so you look unobtrusive. They have inconvenienced us, so let them be slowed down/inconvenienced now, no permanent physical damage done, just a very strong message.
It's inconvenient, however, unless we take the time to let these companies or enforcement know about EV Parking infractions, the EV parking issue will not be resolved. At Walgreens, Escondido, they are ordering Tow Away signs for their free charging station after I found out I was not the only one complaining. One small step. Utilizing Twitter is another method that can get attention. I received 2 replies from Walmart and Walgreens after tweeting about ICEs parking in EV charging spots. EV parking spots really need to be Tow Away zones for this to work. It's a simple solution really.
Yeah thats what I would do, they won't learn otherwise. Then again I carry a box cutter knife on me... Would be hard pressed not to put a nice slash in the tire.
While I resent pregnant/family spots at shopping centers, EV spots should have the force of the law IMO. And I don't even own an EV vehicle! Sort of like handicapped spaces. The fines need to be stiff and enforced by citizen ticket writers who could write tickets who could take pics and write tickets for violations.
Im sure you guys are playing around but it goes without saying, no matter how lame someone is parking dont take action like that, too many crazies out there. karma will work its way with them.
Did they find any drugs? Those calls are easily traceable unless the person used a public phone which is hard to come by these days. Maybe its a good idea to take a note of the plate # or snap a pic when one feels threatened or suspicious of the other driver.
Exactly my thought that it's most constructive, yes, and somewhat of a necessary hassle, to let the companies or parking enforcement know in person, by phone, email or Twitter, of the infraction and suggest a Tow Away zone. Per other posts, a photo with license plate would bolster the case about the parking infraction and also be of help if that person turned out to be vindictive, as in your case.