Gas prices are just skyrocketing, at least in the SF Bay Area. A Shell dealer close to my home has gone up 15 cents in the last 2 days. Today, regular is $2.40 and premium is $2.70. The news will say that the price of a barrel of crude just went up a bit and the dealers are adjusting up within the day - and for gas already "in the ground" at that. 126 days and still waiting for my Silver #6 - already got rid of an old Mercedes clunker but my 2001 F150 and it's 12MPG is killing me. :guns:
$1.98/gallon by my work place(near Dulles airport), no cheaper than $1.91 near home(Springfield VA). -m.
i paid $2.23 for regular today on long island. i am always amazed that when the media reports that gas prices are going to go up, the pump prices change almost immediately... and the latest stuff has not exactly been encouraging for 'stabilization' in the middle east <sigh>
$1.74 today right down the block from me for 'unknown' gas. Shell nearly a mile away was $1.79. Some places as high as $1.83...
OUCH! Here in the Northern Chicagoland suburbs, the differences between stations is from $1.95 to $2.15 for regular. News indicated that an additional reason for the increase is the "Summer Fuel" that we have to run during the summer months. Because it's more refined to burn cleaner, it costs more. I'm sure we will be up near the $2.50s soon.
$1.82-1.90 in central NC. Interestingly, the extra money we are paying at the pump is going more to pad oil companies' bottom lines than it is to cover their costs of crude oil on the global market. Grrr. :cussing: Just another reason I hope I get my Prius soon.
$1.86 in SW Missouri Probably have to fill tomorrow, or the next day depending on how far I push it with the flashing bar. Was hopeing the price would drop a tad before fill up so I could save a few pennies.
Who cares? :lol: The last I looked (as I drove by), Chevron regular was $2.10 last weekend, but they only see me every few weeks. I've read that the sudden surge in gas prices is due to EPA mandated formulation changes for Summer, not the result of some conspiracy theory.
$1.879 per gallon is South West Louisiana...who says it is cheaper in an oil producing state???? I need my Prius! 144 days and still waiting! Gas Price Update: 5/18/04 up to $1.959
98.9 cents a litre in Vancouver!? Ouch! It recently hit 90 cents a litre in our part of eastern Canada for the first time and people are not happy. There are 3.79 litres per US gallon, so 90 cents a litre works out to about $3.40 (Canadian dollars) a gallon. If I convert that to US dollars, it becomes about US$ 2.45 a gallon. Although we Canadians are cryin' right now, I can't even begin imagine what prices must be like in Europe. When I was in Spain 12 years ago, the price was 85 cents a litre at the time. Prices must by sky high these days.
Effingham, IL 1.889-1.959 I seem to remember one place on Sunday had 1.84 but I couldn't stop . I really hope that my Driftwood #9 comes in soon. Peace, Fr. Bill
$1.729 for the regular stuff at Costco in Fredericksburg, VA. Name brand gas up the street can be as much as 20 cents more. (I shouldn't "brag" too much-- they might see this post and raise the prices!)
Friend of mine in the army in germany says its about 5 a gallon. but because of the exchange it got as high as 6 a few months ago. here unleaded regular was 2.09.. oh wait that was Fri. then it was 2.12 on Sun, and today its 2.16....