What was the name of that thread.... The Pot calling.... For a good distribution of reply's I picked STFU! Happy Holidays fellas!
I won't tell ya so STHU nor do I expect to see you in Hell (it's a big place after all and with all those people. . .). All the same, sometimes it feels good to just rear back and give someone a swift kick once and a while. Merry Christmas to those who observe it, and to all increased mileage. [Broken External Image]:
Squid, I'm your biggest fan, so I had to vote for STFU... Thanks for being on here, for your crazyness, and for running your own poll to fish for good wishes of the season. You have mine.
Wow, thanks for all the goodwill!!! Hope everyone got what they wanted, if not, well, I hope that, at the very least, some form of pleasure was obtained in some manner!