i am going to attempt to fill my tires up with some air today in feeling that they are low. i have never done it on my prius myself. anything i should do or not do? ive recently been getting much lower mpg and think this may be the cause
Nothing special. Consider using higher than recommended pressures...I use 42f/40r. Do be sure the tires are cold (let the car sit for 4 hours after driving) when you check the pressure and fill them up.
A reasonable MPG-enhancing compromise is to check tire pressures whenever daily average outdoor air temps change more than about 10'C/20'F. Buy a cheap tire gauge and check them at home before you start the day's driving.
Richard, I was wondering why you said "cheap" tire gauge? I assume you think all gauges are accurate enough?
i feel the same way as greenmachine. use a good gauge. there's a substantial error margin in the cheapies.
Nice new atvar did you get it from "What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?" ? Quantum Mechanics and Neurobiology. Just hold on to your wallet.
thanks. and nope, it's just a plain old cell image, nothing exciting. not to my credit, i don't do that kind of work at this time. well maybe i will be when i change labs for the 6th time, who knows. ahh, i'm taking a vacation first before worrying about these things.
Get one of those inexpensive digial ones. Sears had the Accutire gauge on sale for $7.49. Accurate to 0.5psi, self calibrates, lifetime warranty. They are still accurate if you drop it. Just about any mechanical gauge at more substantial prices are less accurate, very inaccurate if you drop it or jostle it, are more difficult to read the scale with any precision. There was a big test in a motorcycle magazine not too long ago of about 20 gauges. Conclusion, digital ones are better, Acutire was best value.