O.K., I have been scouring parking lots, driveways, back roads and the interstate highwtays - ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, ZIPPO on Volt sightings. I see a lot of Chevy Cruise, Malibus, and Impalas being driven, but the Volt is NOTpopulating the roadways at all! If I saw 1, maybe 2, I would be happy. GM needs to get their act together - by repricing (lower costs) to stimulate market demand for this product. If not, this product is destined to become a "niche market", like the Corvette. There will always be buyers, BUT not on a large scale. Each day that passes, GM loses a day of opportunity with the Volt. GM needs to get their act together. DBCassidy
Lady in my office bldg drives one and parks next to me in the muy primo Hybrid spots. Last week she had a flat tire, had no idea her 40K car did not come with a spare tire and after I helped her identify what she thought was some part of the engine was actually a tire sealer/compressor she decided to call tow truck for her flat. Nice looking ride
Acton, MA? That seems to be near Middlesex. Looks like they have a demo car for test drives. Colonial Chevrolet of Acton | Plug it in The New Chevy Volt
After 4 years, one would think GM would be having all 50 states receiving Volts. If there are no Volts being sold in Mass. (higher salary incomes), then, what can be said of their (GM) marketing and product distribution shatergies? One can only imagine what is going thru their corporate minds (assuming they have one). DBCassidy
Yes they are sold in MA. ON voltstats.net there are 13 volts in MA. As voltstat is about 10%.. one might presume there might be 100-150 in MA.. so still quite rare there.
There are approximately 200 million light vehicles in the US. There have been about 13,000 volts sold?? So, if distributed evenly, you would expect to see one out of every fifteen thousand cars to be a Volt. On top of that, while the Volt has a nice look, it is not all that unique. You may have passed one and not realized it. They are rare, wait till they get a million or so on the road, then you will see them more often.
Yet, there are abundantly more V and C sightings already. I've wondered why that is... especially since Volt really sticks out in comparison. Perhaps the Prius owners drive a lot more. After all, the advantage for Volt drops off significantly for those who drive more than 12,000 miles annually. The number of sales lost to Cruze & Malibu is really unfortunate. It's nice to see that Prius is now outselling Corolla here now. It's been that way in Japan for years. Replacing traditional technology is what Volt should be doing. Hopefully, it won't take too much longer for that priority to take hold.
I have yet to see either a V or C. All depends upon your locale I suppose. Funny, to me the Volt blends in much more than the Prius. However, I am sure that varies from person to person.
Maybe its just selective attention. Lots way more volt citing around here (and even a leaf). Have yet to see a V or C or Pip. And there there is the issue that the volt is only somewhat distinctive and even then only from behind -- but few volt's are driven slow in the right lane, so they are harder to overtake and see. More likely different areas have different densities.. the OP was from rural MA, maybe none of either family there. there are more Volt listed in voltstats in Colorado then Mass, even though we have a smaller population.
Hi all-- In the two-plus years they've been building and selling the Volt, I've only seen one on the roads, and that was when I was stuck behind one in a traffic jam. I've seen a couple V's in the last few months (I'm not a fan of it's more van-like styling on the back...). Only 1-2 C's, though - they only recently have gone on sale in the Midwest, I think. The regular Prius, both gen 2 and 3, however, are quite ubquitous
I can see the Tulsa's biggest Chevy dealer from my front yard and have gone over there to look at Volts, but have only seen one on the road. I have seen two Leafs, one several weeks ago, and one yesterday.
I work in downtown Detroit. The building I work in has at least 4 Volts...there are 4 chargers that I know of installed here and they all get used at one time or another. A co-worker that owns a Volt took a picture of 3 Volts all charging at once (his and two others side by side)...they were all RED! I've seen at least 1 Volt while driving, but NEVER a Leaf!
I think cars should be cheaper in cheaper parts of the country, like housing is. Like a new BMW M3 should be $30k in St Louis. LOL, I dream!
If I had one I'd use it for planned procedures, short trips, wouldn't accrue much mileage, so you'd almost never see it... On the other hand my two prii are always moving around, visible and counted. It's not a bad thing that pulling hen's teeth is impossible, just obscure, rather like the volt.
Since a big VOLT sticker for the side of the car is an option those cars should be easy to identify from a distance. There is one parked regularly at the Washington Township (Mercer County) firehouse. I've seen a couple on dealer lots. I saw 1 Leaf in Virginia. I have not noticed a Prius v or c. I believe most cars aren't noticed until you own one.