I put the key in. I hit the Power Button. The light in Power Button turns orange. The car doesn't start. The key can't be removed from recepticle. The following message comes on the screen: "Caution: The transmission lock mechanism is abnormal. Park your car at a flat place and apply the parking brake completely." (Except it is already parked in a flat place with the parking brake completely on). This happens about once every couple of months. This has been going on for years. After about 5-10 minutes, if I hit the power button again (after trying each 30 seconds or so) the car will then go off, and then can be started normally. The dealership mechanics have been saying they can't find anything wrong and don't know what it is. Reeeeally? They really never heard of this before? Hmmmm. Anyone out there know what this is? Is there a fix? Thanks.
Check your 12V battery. http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/73400-weird-stuff-happening-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html
About the 12v battery. Have had it checked. No problem in holding charge, and each time it happens, it always starts once you wait for the 5-10 minutes to pass. So I don't understand how it could be the 12v battery, if this has been going on for years and it always "fixes" itself after waiting. That said, I appreciate the advice and will again have the starter battery checked. Thanks, but any other ideas out there?
has the dealer been able to replicate it? for years? more info needed please. mileage? are you the original owner? if it's the original battery, put in a yellowtop, you're going to need one anyway.
These are classic low voltage symptoms. It "fixes" itself because drawing current from a battery warms it up which can briefly increase the available voltage. Dealer battery testers can give a false pass to a battery in a Prius. Nine Volts is enough to turn a conventional starter motor but Prius electronics need 12. We recommend checking it yourself before buying a new battery or paying a dealer for a lot of expensive diagnostic work.
Don't bother having it checked. Few techs really know how to check it or understand the issues. Just replace it. We see your story here all the time, and, while anything is possible, it is always the 12V battery and/or the connection from the negative post to the body.