New Year Resolutions for PRIUS owners!!! (1) ave. at least 50 MPG, or (2) check tire pressure weekly, or (3) keep Prius clean at all times.
1) Work to not be jealous of the '06 owners with their back-up cameras and leather seats. 2) Wait patiently for another year until the Hybrid Camry comes out. 3) Show my wife the "sex in a Prius" thread.
1. Pray for Toyota to be dumbstruck by the notion of producing a 75-MPG, downsized Prius for the lesser-affluent amongst us. 2. Offer Sharon and Abbas free Priuses if they'll get it done. 3. Be more helpful, on PriusChat and off. 4. Eat better. 5. Photoshop!
1. Get my Prius. (9 days left!) 2. Loose weight. 3. Ummm.. Show my wife the 'Sex in a Prius' thread. (Sorry -- had to steal this one).
1. mention 'sex' and 'prius' in the same sentence in front of DH (will get the idea across faster than i can finish saying the words) 2. accelerate responsibly 3. quit hating on people who get in my way in traffic (ok unlikely) 4. get rid of that extra 5lbs i've been meaning to lose for the .00000001mpg benefit 5. pass prelims in the spring, weight off my shoulders is weight i'm not carrying around in the car :lol: 6. find a new PI that doesn't make me want to fight him (unrelated to prius, sorry) 7. see DH get his prius cert's 8. um, running low here, spend less than 1 hour at the gas station all year. 9. find a route to bike where i won't be hit and killed so i can save more gas (unlikely to do this after i saw someone die in a truck-bike accident but i'll try) that's all i have for now.
Be more tolerant / less critical Show charity towards all Help officers under my direction be best they can Do whatever my DW asks me to (w/o crabbing)
1. Treat my new Prius better than other cars I have owned (11 days and counting. Its' waiting at the dealers storage facility for me). 2. Try to control my enthusiasm when showing off my new car B) 3. Duh. Lose weight. 4. Out do maggieddd's avatar. :lol: (I know. lotsa luck. I will have to actually read some of the Photoshop books I have accumulated)
I don't make new year's resolutions any more. I never keep them. So what's the point? I'd like to lose weight, totally eliminate unhealthy food from my diet (no food tastes as good as being healthy feels!) get out of the house more, be a more environmentally-respobsible citizen, not get angry at anyone for anything, etc., etc., etc.... but making resolutions is not going to make any of that happen.
I resolve to get a drive in notsure's Pinzgauer, because it can proceed on those *few* roads where Prius can't.
The same thing I resolve to do every year.... [Broken External Image]: Narf!
Good one, Bookrats. Catsbox, that doesn't work. One year while attending Catholic school, I decided that for Lent I would give up self denial and said as much when the teacher went around the room asking us. Turns out I gave up recesses for a week.
1) Get a Prius and love it with everything that I have to give 2) Sell my old car 3) Get tire chains/cables for the Prius for our first snowboarding trip together 4) Get Prius' windows tinted 5) Get XM installed in the Prius 6) Get tv/dvd installed in the Prius 7) Get some $ back from taxes 8) Go on a vacation with some of that $; put the rest in my ING account 9) Lose some weight, continue to eat healthy, exercise/get outside more often 10) Anything else the Prius needs/wants and can feasibly (and affordably) get done Resembles something of a to-do list... B)
For those of you interested in Photoshop, look into CS 2. It's phenomenal! Adobe CS 2 My resolution is to procrastinate less.