I swapped out the incandescent bulbs with some SMD LEDs. The blue color matches the illuminated door sills perfectly. I ordered this set (but have since decided that blue isn't the color I want to go with for the interior map/dome lights --- that's a bit too tunery for my taste.
That looks sweet. I would love to change the color of the led above the shifter to a red one for driving at night.
Red would look pretty cool. Tomorrow I will look at replacing the foot well lights with blue LEDs, as well as determining how easy it would be to run some wire extensions to the back seat foot wells, and perhaps under the center console.
Looks good. I tried some leftover LEDs in mine but they were too big to fit properly. Will have to a different set.
Looks great! Please keep us posted. I am specially interested in your idea to put light under the center console. good luck!
LED Replacements (white) forhttp://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B00755JMYS?tag=priuschatcom-20[ame="http://www.amazon.com/2825-5-smd-White-Power-Lights/dp/B00755JMYS/ref=pd_sbs_auto_5"][/ame]http://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B006QXX1FG?tag=priuschatcom-20
Whenever you have a second, could you send us a picture. Can you give us some idea how you did it? Thanks again!