I have come to the belief that it would be helpful to add a line to the avatar. It would be: "My other car:" Many members have a second car. And they have good reasons for it. Seeing what a member's second car is would help judge validity of posts made on a number of non-Prius subjects: EVs (and particular make), diesels, other hybrids, etc. In fact, such a line would be better that the current "other hybrid." It would have to be a free-text field, this could be a no-go. Your comments are welcome... Moderators' especially so.
That makes sense: for some the 2nd highest (or even highest!) mileage is put on a bicycle. I'd love to say that's true for me but it's our second car, which I commute in once per week.
I think if people feel that they want to share their other cars they do usually somewhere in their signature. Probably no need for it elsewhere? I do like your thinking on having a user fillable field to elaborate on what type of other hybrid or car they do drive. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I switched offf the signature feature long ago, too much visual clutter. But, I look to the avatar frequently, if only for where the poster lives. I've been on PC long enough, 4 years, to know that certain members drive "other cars" that from time to time are the subject of discussion. Some I know with certainty, others I'm not sure of. Examples: daniel - Tesla Hill - LEAF daveinolympia - LEAF drinnovation - VOLT Rokeby - TH!NK City fjpod - i(Miev) But newer members wouldn't know this. There are others who drive TDIs, diesel trucks, etc. I think there is value in knowing that a poster has experience with and knowledge of another make/type of vehicle when considering their posts.
And there are people who could list every car they've ever owned and they still shouldn't be listened to about anything mechanical. The best defense is knowledge, and a good b.s. detector.