I would search but my iPhone app doesn't search the forums well. Anyways I wanted to buy the Prius fog light kit off of eBay. Does anybody know of the Prius pre-wired for this or would I have to run the wires. I had a Saab 9-2x and when I bought the oem kit all I had to do was remove the fog light covers and put the lights in. The wires zip tied right behind the covers. The switch went into place and it worked. Took about 5 minutes to do. Has anybody done this yet?
Off topic but I too went from a Saabaru 9-2x into a Prius. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I went from a Subaru WRX wagon to a Prius. Same size and functionality, but this one costs half as much per mile to drive. To answer your question, no it is not pre-wired... Sorry!
What kind of fog light kit are they exactly? If they are the oem quality that are sold here in the prius chat shop or the dealer than they have excellent instructions already that I personally followed. If you go to the top of the accessories & modification threads, look for a stickied thread on "OEM quality fog lights" you will find 2 sets(1 black & white, the other in color) of pdf instructions that should help you.
Well the kit will come with everything (if it's OEM) but you have to wire it up yourself and thread a wire into the firewall into the driver's side footwell area to hook it up to the switch.
Just in case, here u go. & if u haven't already bought it yet check out Prius chat shop as he has good price w/ free shipping on the oem fog light kit. Attached FilesPriusChat_Fog Lamp_Install_Prius_Layout_BW-small.pdf (668.7 KB, 4721 views)PriusChat_Fog_Lamp_Install_Prius_Color.pdf (1.77 MB, 6891 views)
Just wondering if anyone else is NOT impressed with the light output of the 2012 FOG LIGHTS ??? IM NOT !!!! Has anyone changed these out with High Output LEDS ??? If so, post some pics please... and report on the difference.. thanks
Just used the 2012 Five OEM fog lights for the first time last night- they pretty much blow they're useless actually- but they look nice in the grill. The Five's LED lowbeams are far superior....
Well, they are foglights, not driving lights. You can also replace the bulbs with yellow colored ones. They will illuminate the road a bit better, where you can "see" better, especially in bad, rainy conditions.
Yeah, and it was foggy last night... that's why I tried them. Like I said- they were useless in the fog. They added no additional benefits over using the factory LED lowbeams.
You do have to run the wires but hey are set up good I got the factory ones from e bay the fog lights are not bad as for brightness I wired the to turn on with the car so I use them as day time running lights.
Technically the foglights would be run with the parking lights (and low beams off) but then regulations here say foglights must come on with low beams so they're pretty much useless. In the 2010/2011, the beam seems to shine a bit more to the sides of the car (possibly because they're mounted at the corners of the car rather than inboard on the air dam like the Gen 2 Prius).
Although mine is not a 2012 model but I'm satisfied with it when it comes to driving in fog and rain. At one time, I was driving in heavy fog without a fog lamp and the projectors did it's job - an advantage over the free form halogen healights.
Best mod you can do for the foglights. Really true. Bought a pair of putco jet yellow bulbs with half the price of the PIAA and etc. Very please with the light's performance. I'll post a picture of the light color if I have a chance tonight.
Yeah, that's why I commented that they're useless on the 2012 Five- cause the low beams remain on when you activate the foglights- which adds even more light to the foggy road ahead of you Better off with just the LED low beams. Now if you could (legally) turn off the low beams and just have the fog (and parking) lights on- then they'd probably improve visibility in the fog.