I'm a newbie and a little confused. I'm about to purchase a 2012 Prius but want the type of hands-free voice-activated Bluetooth so I can call someone just by saying their name. Does the 2012 Prius II bluetooth allow voice commands? I don't know the difference between Bluetooth and Blu Logic. I don't need all the bells and whistles of a Prius III but sure would like to make my life easier when making a simple phone call from the car. Can someone enlighten me?
You can do whatever your phone does with BluLogic. If your phone is compatible with BluLogic, and it supports voice dialing, you can voice dial. The BluLogic has no speed dial, phonebook, etc.--just a link to your phone.
I own a 2012 II and I'm telling you, you cannot do voice commands with the II. You can with the III and up.
Also, to the OP: Bluetooth and Blu Logic are more or less the same thing for this argument. Blu Logic is the entire system and it uses Bluetooth connection standards.
I first thought I needed a Prius with package 3 because voice activation is a must have for me. I am now looking to buy a Prius with package 2 soon and have tested the Prius with packages 2 & 3 extensively at the dealership. I have an IPhone 4 (Not a 4S). The Prius package 2 does not have a button on the steering wheel for voice activation like the Prius package 3 does. In package 2 the button is physically on the steering wheel but it is not compressible and does not have the voice activation logo on it. However with the iPhone 4 I am able to activate the iPhone's voice control by holding the home button on the phone. The iPhone will then use the cars speakers AND MICROPHONE for the voice control. I tested this by having the dealer activate the iPhone voice control outside the car while I sat inside the car with the doors closed and pronounced the request to make a call at which time the Prius 2 radio began the call. I did the same to play music by Bluetooth and it played the music I requested including the display of the album artwork on the prius screen from my phone. This same thing can be done in the Prius package 3. In the Prius package 3 if you press the voice activation button on the steering wheel you will not get the iPhone's voice control. You will get the Toyota voice activation system which has a different voice and set of commands. You will be able to tell the difference. Each system has its pros and cons. Go to the dealership and use both systems and you will be able to decide easily. I currently have a Chevy truck with Bluetooth voice activation and it uses the phones voice command even if I activate the voice activation ton the steering wheel. Like me you can get by with the Prius package 2 and maintain your requirement of voice command if you can do without the button on the steering wheel. For me the Prius package 3 is a waste of money because my iPhone has a better voice command system than the Toyota system so I would be activating voice command on my phone even if I had the Prius 3 package. If you think you need Toyota's voice activation system then by all means get by package 3 but for me Entune is not worth anything and I don't need navigation or a backup camera, so for me it is a no brainer to just get the Prius package 2.