I've noticed a new phenomenon lately, as I've been shopping . . . I've been setting off the security alarms - both going into and out of some stores. A visit to he Gap gave me the opportunity to methodically remove items from my person. Finally, as I left my FOB back at the register, the security system let me out without a beep. I felt like I was going through the airport. I've been in Shaws numerous times during the time I've had my car, without a beep. Today, it went off both times. I wonder if I'll be setting off more security systems as other stores improve their systems.
I wouldn't think that should happen. Why don't you try carring the other FOB and see if it does the same thing. There may be a problem with some kind of spurious emissions from the FOB causing it to trigger the security systems. Did you ask the store security people if they had ever seen the problem before?
This JUST started happening in a couple of stores and certainly not most of them with security systems. No - I haven't spoken with the security personnel - and I really don't want to either. I'm not fond of the attention it brings. On the other hand, I suppose making a mad dash to my car wouldn't be the right thing to do either.
That only stops the honest people. I don't steal. I just keep walking when they go off. Either their systems messed up or they worker didn't take the secuirty thinggy off right. Its not worth my time because they buy crappy systems.
I'm sure that, legally, you have the right to keep walking as long as you've not stolen anything. But on the other hand, if a security guard were to run out and tackle you, the court might well rule that he had probable cause. I set off the alarm once because the clerk had forgotten to remove the security device from one of my items. I went back in and she was very sweet and apologetic about it. Didn't hurt me to go back in. What's the point in getting hostile about such a little thing? But my fob has never set off an alarm. In the absense of other similar reports I'd suspect a defective fob. In the Oaxaca (Mexico) airport on my way to Guadalajara, about half the people that went through the security gate (including me) set off the alarm, and the guard just waved everybody through without checking anybody. This would have been '95 or '96.
I'm sorry. I don't get hostile. And if someone asked me to stop I would. It is that I know I did steal anything and it is their fault. So it is not worth my time to go through the hassel because of something that is their fault. I've had one go off several times. It happens often. During the winter I usually wear a long black trench coat. So I do stop when I have it on. At that point I undrestand that some guy in a trech coat sets off the alarm...ok that looks fishy.
That has happened to me several times at the local Ralphs. I never occured to me that it might be FOB related. I wasn't stealing anything and I never stop.
Hmm, we haven't heard this in a while. I recall someone saying that it was setting off the alarm at Home Depot a long while ago on PriusChat.
Not sure about the law in other places, but if a security guard were to tackle me going through a tripped security gate. He'd get charged with assault and then unlawlful confinement if they kept me there. Unless they see you actually steal something, they have no right to detain you or search you.