I have the same question re body side moldings...they make sense and I actually like the look of them to break up the vast expanse of metal (as vast as vast can be on a small car that thinks it's big!). I would love to hear what everyone else thinks...and if their "dings" suggest that body side moldings would have helped at all...
I haven't seen anyone mention them yet on here. I don't think its one of the options that are being added randomly by toyota like the bumper protector. I do like the look of the moldings though. Hope to hear from someone who has them on their car.
I have them on my C3 and I think they look awesome. I'm really paranoid about people opening their doors into me in parking lots so I was happy that they came pre-installed. I have to check my window sticker to see what my dealer called the package.. it included the side moldings, pinstripe, and bumper guard.
Seems that the factory moldings just recently became available in the states. Just got my OEM color matched moldings from eBay for 168 shipped. Haven't put them on yet but doesn't appear to be too difficult by the looks of it.
i do not know if the one above is OEM.. but it looks.. weird.. maybe it's not.. and obviously the pinstripe isn't OEM... um.. it sticks out more than i'd like.. for the pinstripe... i had thought of doing it... but seeing that photo... i'm sorta glad i didn't.. it doesn't look right.
Has anyone ever installed these themselves on any car? It seems simple enough, but how do you ensure its straight? A lot of measureing and pre marking? Use a level? If you ever wanted to replace or get rid of them how easy is it to take off? But at the same time do i have to worry about the adhesive weakening over time and then they fall off on the freeway lol.
I intalled it on my 07 rav4, you just need painters tape(blue) and tape measure( came w/ instructions). cave man can do it. it's still going strong and it's worth every penny . I thinks i have more than 10 small dings on it since I intalled it 4+years ago.
It's pretty easy, key is to take your time and don't rush the installation. As mentioned, you only get one shot at a dead on install so you have to stick it where you want it the first time. The parking stalls are very narrow here in Hawaii. so I think they are a must. I've installed the OEM paint matched moldings on my 2010 Camry SE and most recently on our 2011 Prius 3. I think they look better when they are installed with a little rake to them, where the back is a little higher than the front edge, especially if you have the designed in accent lines that run along the side of the car at an upward angle.
looks wise... that's an opinion.. to me.. i don't think it looks better.. protection? perhaps.. a little.
well, i had my first door ding just the other day.. and called in a dent repair guy whom i've known for several years to come fix it. side moldings or not, he's gotten his fair share of fixing door dings on various vehicles. as he said.. they serve as protection when the conditions are right.. and useless when they aren't. i suppose the frustration of people who don't respect another person's property is what i am most pissed off about... we would never have to worry about some idiot banging their door against your car if they actually cared. now yes, my opinion is they don't look that great.. but there is no denying the fact that it doesn't always protect your car from other doors... and the idiots who open them.
I don't think there is anything wrong with the way they look, plus I would rather be safe than sorry... Yes if a huge gas guzzling Monster truck decided to slam their heavy door on my car I would be pissed. But since I'm a 23 year old college student these 18 year olds with cars that mommy and daddy bought them don't really have respect for others and their vehicles...so I'd say it would probably be a good idea to have some sort of protection. I've SEEN the way these kids open their doors...these kids obviously don't just park in college lots, they park EVERYWHERE. Word of advice...these things DO help when other kids open their doors carelessly. And I think they add simplistic style to the car...rather than a whole lot of messy chrome everywhere or large spinning rims!
Ive put these on a few cars now, starting with a 2009 prius without any issues. Putting them on is not hard, just clean the car, measure following the instrucctions (we marked guidelines using blue painters tape), apply the primer that comes in a little vial and glue the thing. Process can take about an hour to two.
I put black side moldings on my beige 2004 Prius two days after it came home. An installer came to my house and did the job in my driveway for a grand total of $85. I like the appearance of the contrast in color and it breaks up the look of the large side surface on the side of a Gen2 (not as important in a C). JeffD
I will also order the OEM moldings from ebay. They are $50 more then the after market ones priuscshop sells, but i think they look better. I was looking over my 10 year old car's moldings, and noticed they prevented 5-6 door dings on each side, so these are must for me.