We picked up our 2006 Pistacio (Silver Pine Mica) pkg 7 last night and only drove it the few miles home. This first "solo" drive was quite unnerving! All was going so smoothly at the dealer, then we reached the first stop light away from the dealership. It was late (after 9 p.m.) dark and some drizzling rain was falling. We stopped for the light and the car went deathly quiet. Neither of us said a word, we just turned and looked at each other. Many short phrases came to mind, but since this car was mostly my idea, I didn't say anything. You know what happened but it took me a good 30 seconds to understand just that the ICE had turned off. I wanted to sound reassuring but only came up with "Yup, that's how it works". The rest of the trip was spent waiting for the ICE to shutdown again, accompanied by our phrases of Wow, Cool, and Neat. That was the extent of our first ride in our new Prius, but just the beginning of learning curve. I stayed up reading the Owners Manual but ran into overload at about the section covering Blutooth phone connection. (Anyone notice that this section comes before any real useful information in the Manual?) Today I used the car for its new role in life which is my 45 mile business run every morning. It is about 1/3 highway outgoing, 1/3 stop and go city driving, and 1/3 highway to return home. This actually may be the ideal hybrid trip as it gets the engine up to temp before any of the stop and go. This is easily THE MOST DANGEROUS DAY in a Prius owners life. Don't wait for rush hour traffic to learn how to operate the MFD and controls. There is an expression in flying that warns pilots to "get your head out of the cockpit" and it is just as accurate here. I was so facinated by the displays, the MPG running up and down, and the info available that I was guilty of headdown flying (driving). I think much of the problem was that I actually expected to understand what I was seeing. No chance! My head scratching and confusion did not make for good attentive driving. Nothing untoward happened to me but I warn new owners not to make the same mistake. Even though I have spent time looking through the forum topics and learned some good things, there is so much yet to learn. I just know that I will have some questions. Prius = to go before. Owners Manual = read before you go! Ed
I love how the ICE goes quiet..it freaks people out when you take them out for a drive. I actually didnt test drive mine at all before I got it. I did sit in on several drives with my dealer(on my request) where he gave me a very detailed tutorial/ demonstration on how things work and how it handles. enjoy your 06
Wait 'til the next phase of your Prius ownership....when you become so used to the ICE shutting down at stops that you are confused and worried when you ride in a conventional car and it DOESN'T shut down! I still recall both milestones quite well. It was an erie feeling the first time it shut off...but satisfying at the same time. And yet I remember the confusion months later when I had to drive my wife's car and stopped and the sound didn't go away...I was checking the dash, the gear, looking all around for a brief second until I realized what was 'wrong'.
I went into my dealer today and asked to see the car -- he nodded and tossed me the keyfob and I sat inside and did a little 'prep work' even though it isn't mine yet... I set the radio stations, paired my phone with the car, adjusted the mirrors, seats and tilt stearing, and setup the audio how I like it. I went back in 45 minutes later and he gave me an odd look... "Don't you wanna drive it?" he asked. "Naw, I'm done," I told him with a smile.
ECHOSYS, Check out the following. It's a really need "look under the hood". It's for the first generation prius but it's very interesting... Congrats on the new ride! http://www.ecrostech.com/prius/original/PriusFrames.htm
that clatter is completly rediculous.... sounds like the engine is going to fly apart. I guess they are trying to quiet them... I'm still amazed they became so popular... I think when diesel was cheap it got momentum.... but now the "only" advantage I can see to diesel is pulling heavy loads... they love to do that... Otherwise to put up with higher price per gallon plus that loud rackett!!! Not for me! that just goes to show you what people will put up with to get longevity and good mileage.
Ed, We need a modification to put our approach plates up on the screen Actually... I do have that in my (real) cockpit. I just bought an '06 Prius (Driftwood Pkg #8) for my daughter... and like you, today was my first "big" trip using it. Up until now... it was just a couple of small trips to get the car preped (snow tires, etc). I drove it to our condo on the coast this morning... and she will find it with a big bow on top Christmas morning. I have been pretty impressed with the car so far... enough so that I ordered another one (silver pkg #8) that should be here by early to mid January. One thing that really dissapointed me (a lot) is how much they "dumb down" the MFD interface when driving. The biggest shocker was if you hit the "msg" button on the radio, expecting to see the text display of "Artist & title"... you get a warning saying that the information is being withheld while driving due to safety reasons!!! How ridiculous is that??? I am starting to get worried that I will get frustrated with limitations they build into the interface. I sure hope that someone posts a method to bypass the restirctions soon. As a pilot... I am accustomed to full functionality during all phases of flight. /Jim
The first time that happened to my wife on our test drive, she said "Oh, $h!t,". She thought she had gotten another lemon...her 94 Civic being her first.
That must be new for the 06...sometimes I do all this stuff on the MFD and when I look up I think, "How did I drive this far without smacking into someone's rear?"
Ha! Yup, you can't figure out why the engine keeps running. Or you use the keyfob to unlock the door, then put the keys in your pocket and look (in vain) for the "start" button for a few seconds while the other half laughs at you...Or you reach for the dash to put the vehicle into R or D.... Or you reach to the wheel for climate and stereo controls, to find nothing but leather under your fingertips.....
Have you ever driven around a parking lot and people all of a sudden look at you, not realizing a car was there? Gave me the thought of adding some sort of electronic noise maker when the ICE is off...maybe plays a little music, or makes burping noises. My son would choose a noise of gas coming out another end...but that's tasteless.
It's amazing how many pilots and doctors are Prius owners. I am a pilot but recently sold my 1946 Stinson 108, talk about basic instruments! With my transcription company I deal with doctors everyday. This forum is like talking to the folks I see all the time. (P.S. I don't know one doctor who owns a Bonanza) EFUSCO- I enjoyed your phases of Prius ownership but you failed to mention how Prius owners are like Pavlov's dogs - we are being "trained" to drive our cars better by the Energy and Consumption screens. You can't help but lift your foot when the MPG numbers dive! Pretty soon we will all be barking. So far my only question has to do with the headlight controls. This is a Package 7 which is everything but the leather interior. In the Owners Manual it show 2 styles of switch, one with Auto On and the the other without. This car has the HID headlights but does NOT have Auto On, only Auto Off. Not a big deal but a small disapointment. Any ideas why this wouldn't be on a premium package? Thanks Ed
Can't answer the question about the lights, but I can tell you there are about 3 Prions(I love that one...medical...the cause of Mad Cow) in the doctor's parking lot.
Prius folks in general seem to be in a refreshingly intelligent class of driver, compared to the rest of the road. If all drivers were required to competently handle a *fraction* of what pilots need to think about while flying, there would be way fewer licenses issued, and idiotic problems like tailgating and road-rage would simply disappear. But tolerance of some "gawd-given RIGHT to drive" with only a token bow in the direction of earned privilege has let competency standards drop off the bottom of the chart. . So sure, one can preach to the choir here, but how do I reach that testosterone-laden, self-important redneck in the diesel F250 riding two feet from my back bumper as I'm doing five over already? . _H*
Add another pilot to the bunch! SEL only 300 hours. RE: Diesel clatter! Only a crazed lunatic would enjoy that type of racket. If you have some free time, shoot over to the hybrid/diesel forum at Edmunds. The most colorful character these is this old fart Gary. Talk about ENVIOUS!!! All this guy does is talk about the Prius and how he hates it. It is so obvious that this schmuck has Prius Envy!!