this last week, I bought a Prius C 4, love everything about it but... the front windshield reflection. The reflection of the dashboard during daytime makes the view somewhat cloudy, at night the reflection at night appears to be like a shroud over most of the windshield. So much so that the peripheral vision is almost nill. I think this can be dangerous as demonstrated by almost hitting 2 deer on my first drive home! I've ordered a dashmat cover and await its delivery. Hopefully this will alleviate the problem, if not my dealer will be getting the car back until this problem is resolved. Anyone else noticing the windshield reflection problem?? P.S. Dimming the dashboard light has no effect.
i have driven my vehicle for almost 6K miles... and have yet to find any sort of reflection of the sort to be bothersome or a hindrance to my view. did the dealership add some sort of crazy shiny dressing crap on your dash?? that's my only guess as to why it would reflect as much as you describe it..
A reflection at night? Have you cleaned the inside of your windshield? I'm serious. SquallL may have hit the nail with the overly shined suggestion. I have heard only one otner strange complaint that may be related - that the dash collected too much dust. Same possible problen and solution. Clean the dash with a prep solvent or something similar and protect it with a product that doesn't shine the plastic. I have noticed a slight reflection from the light colored strip on the dash of my cII, but nothing overly distracting. At night, not a thing.
i don't use any product on my dash... armor-all is the worst.. but there are a few things out there that are protective but aren't oily or shiny for people who really, really want to use something.. otherwise.. for me... a nice microfiber towel.. and if need be.. dampen it with a little H2O. but omg.. how about UV protection!?! ehh.. i got that covered.. i have Air Blue 80 on my front windshield.. i have it more for heat reasons, but whatever.
No visibility distortion from applied tint? For effective ac, I wanted to tint the front with CR90 but someone drew a concern about distortion perhaps over time.
unless you looked at the edges, you can't even tell tint was on the windshield. there's no distortion whatsoever.
The dealership is letting me use a 2011 Prius while we wait for my C to come had exactly the same thing the OP described. Bad reflection on the windshield during the day, horrible (and dangerous) at night. A good cleaning with Invisible Glass and a microfiber towel fixed it right up.