I LOVE pancakes....with lots of butter and room temperature syrup. So...is there really a Fred's Pancake House...details? Dang, I am HUNGRY!
Actually a Google hit > Fred's Pancake House - 2100 Woodstock Rd, Fredericton, NB | ProfileCanada.com
Hello, my name is KK6PD and I am a "Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles Addict" For those you who have tasted their really great chicken, and truly delicious waffles, you understand! For the rest of you, it's a LA thing, but read and drool about them with this link! [ame="http://www.google.com/search?q=Roscoe%27s+Chicken+and+Waffles&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&client=firefox-a"]Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles - Google Search[/ame] If you ever make it to L.A., you owe it to yourself to plan 1 meal at Roscoe's, there are 3 of them, it's really damn good! Fred who?
When this forum was started, it was not in reference to any actual Fred's. The discussion was that we should have a "place" to chat off topic, like in a restaurant. the International House of Pancakes was mentioned, and then someone suggested "Fred's House of Pancakes." So although there may actually be a Fred's House of Pancakes, this forum was not named for it.
Plenty of Chicken and Waffle specialty places on the East coast. Sylvia's in NYC comes to mind, but it is more of a South East thing.
When I first saw Tapeheads, not only did I think that they made it up, but I thought it was the funniest concept I ever heard: Note: I knew of one in Oakland, but never got around to trying it out in my years of living in the East Bay.
Darn, thought I might meet someone that runs this place and have good food to boot. Good name for a catch all section though.
I always wondered who Fred was. Now I know. It's like Nunzio's Pizza - owned and operated by a guy named Wolfgang.