And in fact, if you accelerate slowly from the light, you can time the next one. Drive slower to drive faster!
Aha! Is this the reason EV won't go on even though the his is to the left of center? Does it not go on if you exceed a certain speed? iPad ?
The highest I've seen ev "on" is 43 as well. And that was with a slight downhill grade. I'd love to see this pushed up to 60.
I've been getting in the high 60's on the way back from work. I've had the car a little over 2 months now. It's going a long ways towards paying for itself in gas savings. I'd post pictures of the display, but I can't figure out how to on my iPhone. I too noticed when I drained the battery using ev when I should have been gliding or light on the ice my scores were worse. I was in a mindset of use electricity as much as possible. Now its glide glide glide. I feel like the bird on the game tiny wings
If you download the tapatalk app it will let you upload photos. =D see.. Uploading my best short drive from my iPhone..
I can't get it to truly glide using my accelerator pedal, but I can just put the car in Neutral. Isn't that the same as a glide?
You do realize that those who drive through some urban areas will see lower average speeds? I drive through the city, make a stop, hit the freeway, than the country highway. City speeds 25 MPH in the residential, 35 on other roads, 65 on freeway and 55 on country highway. I get a whopping 32mph average...and I am driving the speed limit the entire way...every silly red light, goober turning left against a pile of cars, etc brings down the average.
You got that right... Filled up this morning at a station just off the expressway- from out of their parking lot pretty much a straight run from there to work on a three lane interstate w/only one traffic light 1/2 mile from work (and it was green for me this morning). For this commute the "this trip indicator" displayed 61.2MPG at 56 MPH for 20.5 miles. That's with a Five- but almost all highway miles for the whole trip.
It's rare day when I catch SageBrush saying something incorrectly - but I think this is one! P&G doesn't incur conversion losses. Pulse mode is ICE only, and Glide mode is no ICE, no battery, no recharge (if done correctly). So there's no conversion of kinetic to potential energy and back again, it's all powered directly by gasoline and slowed by the wind and road resistance. Not necessarily. A Scangauge or similar will tell you. In neutral the ICE might still be running, but not charging the battery. In a glide, the engine is warmed up and in stage 3 or 4, and so it will turn off the ICE.
41 was the limit on 2004-2009 Prius, it was raised on 2010+ models. I want to get a bumper sticker (I wasn't the first to think of this) that says "Drive Fast If You Support Iran".
There might be situations where extensive use of the EV is beneficial, primarily if you're forced into situations where you're recharging the battery (such as short commutes, where a good deal of it is with the engine warming up). However, the physics just aren't there for the typical case: there's an efficiency drop in each step of the operation, from turning the motor backwards to generate electricity from the slowing down of the vehicle, to storing the electricity in the battery, retrieving it, turning it back into kinetic energy to drive the wheels again. You're probably lucky to get back 50% of the original speed, and it might be more like 30%. Of course, with a non-hybrid you get no energy back from braking or the engine running more than needed to move the vehicle. This all happens after the gasoline has been burned, so that's outside the equation. Also, you don't want to force the ICE to operate just to recharge the battery, since it's better for the ICE to power the wheels directly, rather than pull that 30-50% back out from the battery. But in situations where you're forced to recharge the batteries often, like a big downhill before a stop sign, or short commutes, then you do need to find situations to use up that stored electrical energy before the battery gets to the top bar and it just throws away extra kinetic energy.
"Speaking of EV, yesterday I was suprised to see that I could maintain EV use at 43mph. In the past, 41 has been the point where the ICE would kick-in. Bet I can really push the envelope & get up to 44! haha!" I noticed that too, going 43, maybe 44 mph maintaining EV. I was surprised as well. I never noticed that in my last Prius. I thought 41 was the max.