Turn off the backing up beep in the Toyota Prius February 27, 2011 admin No comments I found the following hack on how to turn off the back up beep in the Toyota Prius. Source:Disable Backup Beep – GreenHybrid 1. Power on the car to IG-ON or READY. IG-ON will do for this purpose. 2. Using the Trip/ODO button, set the Trip/ODO display to ODO (not Trip A or Trip B) 3. Power off the car. 4. Now power the car to READY (brake on). This is required so that step 6 works correctly. 5. Within 6 seconds of powering on, press and hold the Trip/ODO button for 10 seconds or more (there is no indication… just count) 6. WHILE STILL HOLDING ODO *after* the 10 seconds, shift the “gear†selector to R, then press the P button. Now release the Trip/ODO button. 7. If the last step was successful, “b on†or “b off†should be displayed in the location where the Trip Odometer or Odometer is normally displayed (front dash area). “b on†is beep on (default), and “b off†is beep off. 8. Press Trip/ODO to toggle the mode. 9. Now power the car off to exit the toggle mode. 10. Power the car on to READY and confirm the reverse beep status by shifting to R. The beep should not be audible if “b off†was selected, and should be audible if “b on†was selected.
Thanks for sharing! Have you tried this in a v to confirm it works? Do you have the 5/ATP or not? I remember seeing some sort of hack to disable the backup beep that worked in the regular prius, but not the v, and some stuff like this applies only to the ATP (or doesn't work with the ATP), so I'll be curious whether it works with all models. I ended up buying an ELM-327 adapter and using a smartphone app to turn off my backup beep, and it's a HUGE relief. :nod: If this simpler/cheaper method will work for other v users, that's excellent news! Andy
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. To get this to work on the v, check out this thread. Basically, as I understand it, you have three options: 1. Have it done at the dealership. Some people have gotten it done free, some have had minor hassles, but the dealer CAN do it easily and quickly. 2. Buy/borrow a Scangauge - nice, but expensive. ($200? IIRC...) 3. Buy/borrow a ~$16 Bluetooth adapter (ELM-327) and use your smartphone to turn it off. (This is what I did - see post #15 in the thread linked above for more details). I'll say again how much I like having it off... Every time I put it in reverse I get one beep, and then the following quietness is wonderfully peaceful. Andy
What Smartphone App do you use with the Adapter? How does the App work? Is there a checkbox to disable the beep? What else can the App do? Does it work on a Droid? Thanks, Bob
Check out this post - should explain almost everything. A few more specifics that aren't in the above link: The app ("ELM 327 Terminal" as per GaryP.'s recommendation) apparently works by allowing you to communicate with the car's computer by sending and receiving various codes. It's not as simple as a checkbox; you have to enter a series of codes. Apparently the dealership has computers with an interface where it is something like a checkbox, but a free phone app isn't quite to that level. I'm not sure what else that particular app can do, but there are other apps (such as "Torque") that allow you to track all kinds of real-time data about your Prius. Temperatures of various components, engine RPMs, status of various cooling fans and other components, etc. Pretty much everything that's monitored by the car's computer should be accessible. I haven't played with it much past turning off the beep, but sometime when my wife's driving and I have my phone, I'm definitely going to check it out. :nod: Good luck! Andy
Got the BT obd,the torque app and 127 terminal app,but still cant figure out how get to the seatbelt/backup beep codes.Posted over in that thread [damn backup beep] where Garyp explains,but no answer. thanks,steve
Unfortunately it isn't as simple as checking a box in an application. At least not at this point. You are simply using the Torque app to set up communications with the Bluetooth adapter (Bluetooth pairing), then opening a terminal window within the app to communicate directly with the ELM 327 adapter bypassing the graphical interface. You could have also used just about any Windows or Apple device to do this task if you don't have an Android device.
I think I understand most of that,what I'm looking for is where one exactly enters the commands needed,I can't seem to find that 'little box' that garyp mentions,that is in the 327 terminal app.I don't think he did it in the torque app. Thanks,steve
Just a suggestion as I haven't tried it, but there is a free app in what used to be the Android Marketplace and is now "Google Play" called ELM327 Terminal. Single function. According to the description it just acts as a terminal to the ELM327 Bluetooth adaptor.
My dealer did mine today. It took about 5 minutes from the time they took it in until it was done. It simply isn't worth screwing around with when the dealer can do it this easily.
I agree! Additionally, for some people (i.e. me) it's not at all convenient to just swing by the dealership. It's a half hour drive each direction from home, and not really on my way to anywhere. Finally, I don't believe all dealers are as kind, helpful, and efficient as yours... Even if it's only a 5-minute procedure, I wouldn't be surprised to wait a while before even talking to anyone in service. All that said, though - if the dealership is conveniently located, it's certainly worth asking! :nod: Glad it worked out so easily for you, and congrats on being able to back up peacefully, Andy
HI 2012 Prius v owners and 2010 and above Prius owners. We brought our 2012 v and 2011 Prius to the dealership. The master mechanic programed them both in a half hour at no cost to beep only once when put into reverse. We are very happy with this change allowing us to focus on backing up safely.