Can Spotify be used on the Entune system? I know there are lots of features, and I can always hook my iPhone up to the radio, but just wondering if there was an option for the dash monitor as well? Thanks
It works as if you had your iPod playing. When I plug in my phone it automatically starts playing on the iPod setting. Usually it will start playing my list of songs saved on my iPhone. When I want to play songs from Spotify I just open the app on my phone and it will switch from the songs stored to the song that I want on Spotify. So to answer your questions yes you can use Spotify. But it doesn't work as an app like Pandora does where you can select it straight from the touch screen on the car. You have to do it from the iPhone.
Yes, spotify/rdio/mog all of them work. If the app on your phone plays music, you can play it through the car speakers using the AUX or bluetooth audio. But as they said before, it is not part of the Entune "suite" of apps.
thanks for the info. Yeah i knew i could hook it up through the AUX just wasnt sure if there was an option to go through the entune system like pandora and the rest. From what I read Entune is garbage anyway.