On my 2006 Prius I could set the low tire warning by pushing a button under the steering wheel. I could also turn off the electronic fob detector for long storage under the steering wheel. I can’t find out how to set the tires or shut fob detector off. Can someone enlighten me? Also, where are the mpg readout and the reset button? This new Prius might be too sophisticated for me? Thank you in advance, Grasshopper Aka John
TPMS reset button is under the dash near the steering column--see owners manual. No fob detector shutoff button on Gen III. Those questions...and more..answered in the owners manual--worth a read.
Grasshopper, the button on the steering wheel that cycles through Trip A, Trip B, MTE, & the ODO will reset Trip A & Trip B when that trip is displayed & the button is held too long. "What keeps the battery from running down if I am gone for long periods?" Park in the valley.
On my 2012, I can turn off SKS through the touchscreen. I'm not sure if the feature is available on all models, mine is the Plug-in Basic, with the 6" Entune unit.
Grasshopper has a 2006 (posted in the wrong area, but we're forgiving ). You can turn off the SKS with one of the buttons under the steering wheel. It's not really necessary though, as it will turn off on its own after a few days. It also makes less difference than many on this forum believe. More than 70% of the "off" current draw is NOT the SKS. So, how long will you be parking the car when you're worried about the battery going dead? Keep in mind we're taking about the 12V battery in the right rear corner of the car (under the hatch floor). If it's healthy, you can leave the car for about 2-3 weeks without worry. The 200V "traction battery" is -fully disconnected- when the car is off. It takes more than 6 months for the charge in it to drop enough to be concerned. If you look closely you will see two buttons under the steering column. They are labeled. One sets the tire pressure monitoring system. Fill the tyres to the pressure you will be using, then press and hold the TPMS button until you hear a beep or see a light flash on the dash. That sets the pressure the light will be tripped at (20% lower than that pressure on -any- tyre). The other button turns the smart key system (SKS) on and off. If the FOB is in your pocket, lock the car, then, after about 30 seconds, try to open the door with just the door handle. If it unlocks the SKS is on.
Oh, I thought he was saying he has, not had a 2006. In that case, don't worry about the SKS. It turns off after one day so so. It's in the manual. They shortened the on time and removed the switch. Got to brush up on my reading -comprehension-.
My 2012 "FOUR" [new] has no reset button on the TPMS, nor does the Display Radio/Navigation system display actual tire pressures as illustrated in the Manual.{must be only on the model "FIVE"}. My 2007 "Touring" has the reset button which I prefer. We're now a 2-Prius family.
My 2012 "FOUR" [new] has no reset button on the TPMS, nor does the Display Radio/Navigation system display actual tire pressures as illustrated in the Manual.{must be only on the model "FIVE"}. My 2007 "Touring" has the reset button which I prefer. We're now a 2-Prius family.