So, I hit my dealer today and got the keyfob to go play with the car a bit -- didn't actually drive it, just messed around with the electronics stuff. It's an '06 #6 (No Nav) and I now have a few questions about it, since I minded my conscience and didn't snake the owners manual: 1) I hit the voice command button on the steering wheel and nothing happened. Stereo was on and no beep, no volume reduction -- folks have said that you can still do the phone stuff via voice activation even without the navigation package -- anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? 2) Under the steering wheel there're two buttons... I think they're KEY and SET. I think one probably deactivates SKS, but I don't know what the other does. 3) Where the hell are the battery leads? 4) I answered this myself on the way home, but thought I'd post it here for posterity -- once you get your bluetooth phone paired with the car, you can add your addresses by going to address book mode on the car and hitting "Transfer" I believe it is. Then, go to your phone and go to each contact individually -- there should be a 'Send Contact' option in a menu or on the contact info itself. This allows you to (slowly) push all of your contacts into the car. So, if anyone can help out with 1-3, I'd appreciate it. Can't wait till the 2nd!!
You took possession of the key and started the car, eh? But didn't "drive" it, not even slipping it in D and letting the car move forward (by itself, of course), hmmm? I see.
Bloody hell, okay, okay -- I *might've* stuck it in R to see the camera and, oops, it slipped back a bit, so I had to move it forward again. Geesh, you guys are ruthless! :lol:
I just checked it out on the IRS website. It is OK put down all the seats and camp in there until January as long as you don't turn on the heat.
Somewhere in another topic, justinc posted that the audio and climate control prompts are not available with the voicecommand that comes with pkg 5/6. Did you use the voice commands to dial any numbers since you paired your phone? What was the functions of those buttons? How was the sound quality of the call?
When I first got my car I had to look in the manual because I couldn't find it either. I guess the actual 12 volt battery is some where in the back of the car. The one battery lead is under a a fairly large black cover in the engine (or engines) compartment. Facing the car, looking under the hood, it is on the right. You have to lift the cover to see it. If your regular 12 volt battery goes dead and you need a jump you hook one lead to this and the other to the frame and of course the other ends to the good battery. Some phones will let you send more than one contact at a time. In my case I have Verizon service and they disabled sending contacts from the phone so I used my laptop and was able to send all 170 at one time in just a few seconds. Jeff
That's the thing -- after I paired it up, I hit the speech button on the steering wheel and didn't get the beep. That's what I can't figure out. I called my home voice mail -- when I checked it later, the sound quality was *stellar*. It was loud and clear; I was actually quite surprised.
According to Vagabond (PC Sprint Phone Guru), he's said with my phone I can only push them across one at a time. Though, I'll check my phone manual just in case.
almost flat, if you take the headrests off. now you really CAN camp out in the car until it's time to drive it home! :lol:
I think the PDA/Cell phone combinations are the ones that can usually do multiple contacts. I would trust Vagabond since he knows your phone and don't switch to Verizon for any reason if you want to keep that capability. I use my laptop because I also "backup" my cell phone address book on the hard drive. The laptop has a USB Bluetooth adapter and the whole process is pretty easy now that I got it figured out. I really like getting a phone call and seeing the name and number on the MFD and then just touching the little green "pickup phone" icon on the MFD. No wires, no special speakers, no microphone clipped somewhere. Very Nice! Jeff
I try to do as much research as I did for the Prius for any electronics purchase -- I really am a pretty big techno geek and have heard the Verizon woes. Even though they don't give us any special phones, work uses Verizon as a carrier for our cellular service and, though I'm happy with the quality most of the time, I've heard too many bad things to get it personally. I just hope that folks aren't mistaken and the voice activation works with the phone -- I haven't heard someone who has an '06 #6 say that they've actually gotten it to work.
The dealer should give you a walkthrough when you take delivery. He showed us the battery lead. There is an exposed bolt right behind the fuse box where the one lead is, and that's where he recommended you put the other jumper cable. First take off the black fuse box cover. The red thing is a little door that you swing open to connect the +. You can see the bolt that you can put the - side on.[attachmentid=1543]
Nice! Thanks -- I was figuring out how to open the fuse box thingy there, but couldn't get it within a few seconds of trying, so I continued with my examination. I appreciate that.
By the way, my son loves your Avatar...he coulnd't figure out it's some sort of pacifier...he's only 7.