Prius three - 2012, just picked up less than a week ago. I have noticed something odd going on with the Display Audio. For some reason, on two separate occasions, the Display Audio has become unresponsive. The first time this occurred (this past Saturday), the steering wheel channel button, when pressed, did nothing. The sound buttons worked fine, but I was unable to change the channel from the steering wheel. After a short while, it worked as it should. The second time, (this morning), the Display Audio touchscreen was unresponsive and when it did respond the screen registered my press for a different part of the screen not where I pushed. When it was unresponsive at all, the volume knob on the stereo still worked, but when pushed in the volume knob did not power off the stereo. This lasted for a short while on my trip into work, by the time I arrived, about 30 min. the Display Audio touchscreen was working as they normally should. Has anyone seen anything like this before? Thanks, Marc
There were a few similar issues with the earlier versions of the Nav units prior to the 2012 and the Nav units were replaced. Not that many but a few reported on here. If possible video the different buttons not working in order to show to dealer service tech in the event it remains intermittent. If you take it to the dealer and everything is working fine at least you can show them the video.
Video showing this has been posted..... The link will be in a few post below... Please pardon the music in the video, as you can see the video was taken showing that I could not change the station....
Question, when touching the steering wheel controls, does it show up in the dash display that your using them, they should light up on the touch and then light up the button when fully pressed?
Yes, it's in the beginning of the video, you see the lights on the dash corresponding to my pushing of the controls. The steering wheel issue, isn't the biggest in my book though. Pushing the buttons on the unit and it not responding is bigger.
FYI - I have noticed a delay when controlling my USB-connected iPod. After selecting a new song, it takes about 5 seconds to display the album art and for the selection controls to become responsive again.
Showed video to the dealer. They suggested bring the car in for a software upgrade... will let everyone know how it goes.... going in on Saturday. Thanks all, Marc
Received software update from 1.7xx to 1.8xx waiting to see what happens over the next few days. I don't notice anything different with the software itself so far though.