I've never really understood the hate for the noisemaker. Sure it's not the coolest sound in the world but it is what it is and it's a safety device. Can't hear it in the car with music on and you can only hear it outside if your relatively close. Not sure why the hate.
outside if your relatively close and with al the noise cars out there your have to be so close its useless
To each his own. For myself, VPNS was a legit reason to buy a 2011 VS a 2012 Prius . I think there is too much noise pollution anyway and I didn't want to contribute to it. I didn't like the futuristic sound of the VPNS and I didn't want to announce my arrival everywhere. For however many years I own the vehicle, with that noise. I would not like being forced to have that on my car,without an off switch. So I'm happy with my quiet 2011, and arriving home in "stealth mode".
noise maker can be disabled on a 2012 but you can't add Entune on a 2011. I personally would have bought the 2012 and disable the noise maker instead of buying 2011.
Yeah I would like to have Entune. That almost swung me to a 2012. However I also got a much lower price on the 2011 than I would have on a 2012. That plus the addition of the noisemaker to the 2012's helped me make my decision. I think disabling the noisemaker could lead to liability issues. I read that Toyota dealers won't disable it.