Hi All I've posted a few questions on here already concerning my used 2007 Prius I purchased a little over a month ago. Thank you for all of the help! I hit 5k miles already on it, so I arranged an oil change with the dealership I purchased it from. At the suggestions of many on this forum, I also requested the transaxle fluid to be flushed and replaced. My Prius has 57k miles and I do not think it has ever been done before. The dealership performed the oil change and rotated my tires. They performed an alignment on the vehicle at no charge, since it needed an alignment and I had only had the vehicle less than 2 months. However, the dealership refused to do the transaxle fluid. They cited that they checked the fluid and nothing was wrong with it. In good conscience, they could not put a cost on me to replace something that did not need replaced. Essentially, the dealer was giving me the same talk that the fluid should last at least 100k miles and likely much more. I believe the word "lifetime" was also thrown in, I cant remember. So I am a bit torn now as to what to do. Any thoughts?
It's your money and I am surprised that the dealer would not/did not do as you requested. Even though your vehicle "only" has 57K miles on it - the fluid has been in there for 5 years. I would insist that they change it or I would take it elsewhere.
I changed my fluid at 5,000 miles just to get all the manufacturing wear out. It did not look good. Its the bottle in the middle labeled WS 5K. I would try another dealer as its important to change it. Very cheap insurance. And I would change the Inverter Coolant too.
Try to find a non-dealer shop to work on it. Most Toyota specialists will have no problem servicing your car.